Miraculous Madness ~ Happy Full Moon!

I can certainly feel the shake-up in my body. I find my dream state filled with old associations of every ilk.

Deeper patterns are emerging for observation and integration. It can help to take a look at your sun and moon signs, and how those archetypes relate to what you are currently feeling. How are my feelings being potentially filtered by these archetypes? How are my feelings and physical symptoms/events related to what I have believed my life mission to be?

It can also help to recognize how the dredging is purging. Are these feelings moving on through, or sticking and bringing up story?

This breakthrough has massive potential for the miraculous. Why not see how that story feels?

All this is being shaken from the roots. It helps to remember that any idea we have is only an idea. Source cannot be quantified. How is Source moving through me, as me, at this time, and what is being über-amplified? Full moons do that, yes?

Astrologers whose interpretations I value have this to say, about this alignment:

Here is an excerpt from Lena Stevens:

“Full Moon in Taurus with a partial but very potent Lunar eclipse is Friday, November 19, at 1:48 AM  Mountain Standard Time (MST).

I am calling this moon the "shake up moon," as it will shake up whatever has settled at the bottom of the barrel of your emotions, patterns, belief systems, behaviors, attitudes, old wounds, regrets, and judgments. The Pressure theme of the month comes to a head with building tensions and potentially explosive results. If there ever was a time to get your head out of the sand, tell the truth and be proactive about what needs to change by taking action, this is it. This is an intense, potent time that can either become a shit storm where everything feels like it is falling apart or a massive breakthrough and expansion into new levels of prosperity and improvement in your life.” ~ thepowerpath.com, {bolding mine}

Here is an excerpt from Kelly Hunter:

“The eye is the window to the soul. The mirror is another….
In past cultures where the Sun was celebrated as feminine in its life-giving nature, the mirror and the eye, the well and the web, the spiral, and other such symbols of wholeness were associated with the goddess. The mirror is a sacred object of Amaterasu, the Shinto Sun Goddess in Japan. As recounted in the book, Turbulent Mirror, an ancient Chinese legend tells of the chaos that ensued as the world of humans became increasingly separated from the world of mirrors. Perhaps it refers to the mirror of Nature, perhaps the sky.” ~ Kelly Hunter

This full moon is mirroring the bottom of our personal and collective barrels. What a miracle! As one mentor told me, “the personal shadow is finite.” When it doesn’t seem so, lean into this truth. Sometimes all we see is shadow because we are so focused on the light. Sometimes the shadow is the light in a form we have yet to recognize. Human minds are easily confused and confounded. “These are not the droids you’re looking for,” is a confundus charm, after all. I hope you’re laughing. I certainly am, mostly at myself and the kaleidoscope of remnants circling through my consciousness most mornings.

Rather than react, “Oh, ick, I have to meditate!” it is better, and much easier, to relax into the Source that I AM and let it function. There is nothing in any rulebook ever written that says you can’t do the same.

I wrote, recently, on what it is to become “the mirror.” It is a facet of being an emanation of Source. A better term for this mirroring is “reflection.” One’s emanation reflects what is needed, to others. And, truth be told, to oneself. These reflections shift all the time. Source’s reflection is nothing if not fluid.

If someone says to you, “You always do this,” it is an opportunity to look at that reflection. What is its essence? Is it accurate? Is there a pattern of energy to be released? {definitely, if you’re reacting} Or, is it a projection?

This level of discernment will be required of us all before Gaia’s transition is complete. The exercise is not about assigning blame or about anyone being ‘right.’ There is no such position on this threshing floor. There is only observation, acknowledgment, and release.

The more of you that you become, the more life reflects to you what is left to integrate. In other words, you will see needed reflections in other people, places, and things. The difference between ‘normal’ mirroring and this level of discernment practice, is that the reflection is immediately recognizable as part of yourself. You will NOTICE. You will feel its hunger to come home.

Each of us has a unique inner ‘ping,’ chiming the presence of un-integrated essence. For those whose egos still don’t want to integrate into Oneness, this ping is usually either silent or deafening. It depends on your commitments.

The best way to handle this breakthrough moon, in beauty-loving Taurus, is to rest in that beauty and let it guide your way. Think of the classic image of Ferdinand, happily ensconced in his meadow, enjoying the flowers.

What is it, in nature, that provokes battle, if not the love and protection of something precious? Anything else is simply a destructive tendency whose demise is at hand.

Your essence knows what to do. And, we are all learning what it is to be.

Even the most advanced and/or open metaphysician perceives through filters. Discernment’s lesson is asking us to see as Source sees, for this moment, this situation, or in any circumstance. How does Source see this? How is Source flowing through this? What is the truth here, for me? Not the egoic ‘me,’ but the I that you AM. ;)

Happy Full Moon!


Justice ~ Hope ~ & ~ Courage


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