When Realities Fracture

What remains? What coping mechanisms are activated?

Humans retreat into their self-designed bubbles. They hold tight to the pieces of that bubble allegedly protecting them. What is comfortable, if not convenient? What makes me feel safe? How do my feelings and beliefs support this and defend that position?

Convenience is an addiction in the US, but not everywhere. Some cultures value quality over convenience. So do some people. All of these ‘values’ are attributes of the limits we set for ourselves whose properties create reality.

But, what of those who are allegedly committed to activating and inhabiting a bubble-free zone? What does truth look like, when not reflected off the walls of illusion?

An illusion is made up of limits. Limits are parameters whose function is to define the contours of a given reality. Limitations are created when unprocessed feelings {of any kind} become the insulation that fortifies delusional walls. Where does denial fit in? It aligns with our incarnational limits, thus creating limitations; limitations that may feel constricting, but also feel safe.

There is a mathematical axiom whose premise is that “When a limit approaches infinity, the limit does not exist.” What does this mean, for us? What does it imply for our reality bubbles?

As we transcend the parameters of an incarnation, dissolving limitations {limits aligned with belief systems, thought patterns, habits of behavior, and defensive posturing}, our limits realign to recreate reality, through and around us. When those limits approach “infinity” they become fluid and exist in entirely other kinds of forms. These forms are typically not understood by ‘others’ as those ‘others’ do not inhabit our bubble, but are immersed in their own. They see ‘us’ in a fun-house mirror, and vice versa.

What we see in the mirror of life, and in the behaviors of others, can be exquisitely beautiful. What will we choose to reflect going forward? Does a skunk reflect “bad smell” or simply what nature has endowed it with for its natural defense? When our egos ‘smell bad’ it is because we have not processed and integrated that reflection. Even more so is the gift of reflection others present to us.

What don’t we want to see about ourselves? This is where denial enters the picture, stealing comfortably and conveniently into the cracks of our bubbles, shoring up the illusion of how we wish to be seen and how we wish to see ourselves.

When a child feels unsafe, s/he grows up lonely, with tendencies toward self-isolation, always poised to run away from what might be hurtful. When cornered, s/he becomes defensive, manipulative, and often cruel, to deflect what might get in. Truth: Feeling safe and knowing one is loved are not the same pattern. Not at all.

Many, if not all, sensitives hold these patterns in their bodies, whether or not they have written their stories of childhood as happy or sad. My body has certainly held this. And, what is coming up now, for us all, are the deeply entrenched coping mechanisms our bodies have held onto, held out within, and generally not let us see. These failsafes usually show up in the form of what we “can’t stand” in others. The body reacts defensively, even when the mind and/or consciousness does not. We send a vibration out into our environment of whatever that failsafe feels will do the job. And, so, the world around us gets the benefit of what we have suppressed, all blown up and combative.

We can choose to label these releases as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy,’ but the truth is that the sooner this level of emotional immaturity is dealt with, the sooner we integrate more of what we are.

Today is 11:11. For those who believe in calendar alignments, {and therefore choose to benefit from them} this is a portal day. One can become and pass through into another way of being, if one so chooses. This does not happen by denying what is ‘up.’

Seeing is the first step. Acknowledgment, acceptance, surrender, release, and the re-integration of surrendered energies, are the follow-through. This cannot be done through the ego.

Source is the Source. Love is transcendence. Are you able to love the thing that makes you crazy? That person/place/thing whose behavior you despise? Are you willing to see a pattern for what it is? Can you find it in your heart to release your defended positions?

Victim hides deep within what we defend against. When we remember that everything is Source, it can help with this kind of release. {yes, even of those ‘assholes’ and ‘terrible people’}

What humans call forgiveness, Source calls compassionate truth.

Where do you stand? How will you stand? It really is up to you.

Oh, and by the way, what kind of world do you really want to inhabit? Holdouts do not create the new.

Love to you all,


Miraculous Madness ~ Happy Full Moon!


Diwali and the Dark Moon