Navigating the New
Do not ask what to do, how to do it, or what the next step is. We are living the new. We have always learned by living. Now that bill comes due. Bilocation is a daily traversal of what is emerging and what we won’t let go.
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, exact tomorrow, ignites the newness, within and without. What fuel does it burn? Or ingest? Or absorb?
What is a quantum convergence? One theory is that the phrase embodies the idea that the individual self (Atman) and the universal reality (Brahman) are indistinguishably one. {true enough} The roots of the “I AM” presence identity start here. How does that feel to your current awareness? In a dualistic system, can two identities become one? Rather than try to suss that out, maybe let go of both and observe what happens.
When we use a processing technique, like Embodying Fluidity, for example, we pull together all. or as many components as we can identify that make up an identity, and allow that fractal of reality to spontaneously combust within a crucible of quantum convergence. This is why the method works. The implosion of the disparate energies that make up a pattern and its programs creates a purified and cleansed energy burst that obliterates obsolete vibrations and feeds emerging newness. Can meditation alone accomplish the same? Yes. Slowly. No one has ten thousand lifetimes at this juncture… or maybe that is the trajectory one chooses. Some people enjoy watching a series over and over. Is there anything wrong with that? Is there anything wrong with anything? We all choose our reality bubbles.
You are here to amplify starseed consciousness in a way that feeds its growth and development. How you have done that, what you have done up to now, matters little. What are you here to be? {I’m not talking about a job or identity}
There are energies that resonate with each of us and energies that do not. That said, we may find ourselves living as a rising bubble of light in turbulent seas. Seas whose debris feels uncomfortable at best, slimy and disgusting at worst. And, it helps to know that all non-resonating vibrations are purifying and leaving our fields… if we let them go.
Focusing on the exponentiating rise in vibration helps the most. This is not some New Age power of positive thinking. That is like believing that the shmear will cure the bagel.
If we rest in the rising light, the pure essence of our being and what is being birthed through that essence, we shift.
You now live in a new reality. Does it look the same? Shift your focus. Change the lens of perception. The inner architecture of you and your world is composed of luminosity. You may have heard that, and quite often. Have you become it? Did the becoming happen when the outward-human-collective part of you was looking elsewhere?
The Great Illuminator is conjunct the Great Awakener in what we call “the heavens.” This affects us more than we know. It allows for the quantum convergence of every identity that needs to go. Fun!
Who will we be, and what new games will we play? Who will play what, when, and where remains to be lived.
Yesterday, I met a stone being—one I had no idea existed on this world. She beckoned through a photograph, and we connected deeply. Where will your love lines take you? With what will your essence connect? This being, the one newly met, anchors an entire coastline. What will your essence anchor, once it has found its new fractalization in the Star Streaming wonder that you are?
We anchor the change, as we stream through its quantum convergence.
Happy Streaming!