Shaken Back Together
Totally ‘Other,’ by the Great Mother’s Grace
“There are years that ask questions and years that answer them.” — Zora Neale Hurston
I read this quote today and felt, to my bone marrow, that this thing we call a year is one of answers, if we are only still enough to listen. Today was the oddest day. I woke early, as is my wont, and went through some of the usual, a bit shaken up, and not in any kind of what used to be normal order… except for the tea, of course. What was normal? It was one of those moments when you look at a word, and it no longer looks like anything recognizable, let alone a ‘word.’ so I shrugged and did some more chi gong because my body was into it.
I sat, gratefully still, deeply still, as a Stillness I know so very intimately, and yet, this was new. Fresh. Gestational, yet completely newly formed. A ball of light filled the center of my physical body as well as my heart, third eye, and sushumna. Those structures seem to have gone. There is only an insistent incandescent radiance.
At about 4:00 PM, I realized I had not turned on my phone or opened my email app. I tend to ignore the phone thing as much as possible. But email? If nothing else, one opens it to delete it down to the ‘less than 10’ algorithm. No clutter, only what is vibrationally appropriate. That varies, of course, the ‘appropriate’ label. Life lived in the in-between currents that flow around boxes and labels and bubbles and such is much more fun and highly appropriate for me. Would I recommend it? Today, there is no such person/being in residence to have anything resembling an opinion. My bodies feel relief. SUCH relief. Deep silence has instantiated in, what? A new way? New ways? A new form? Something so monumental that it is only perceived through utter silence? I cannot say. It can see that it will be unique to each of us. Once again, I am a gateway, a portal for a deluge of frequency. A point of light connected to the vastness of Her Grace.
This month, April 2024, promised much in the way of metamorphosis. I can report that it has delivered. Only today, able for only Stillness, can I feel the true extent of Her gift. What gift? Well, that’s funny. Off in some persona, long ago and far away, I’m laughing.
I can hear the mountains singing… again… still… finally. Whalesong has followed me throughout this life, even here, a mile high. This morning, it chimed in with a single sound byte: “We have lost New Zealand.” Then, when my startled ears replayed the comment, “We are losing New Zealand.” Perhaps Aotearoa is resurrecting its ancient wisdom, born of starlight, sent through Star Gates for eons. It seems so. How wondrous! And this land is not alone.
These messages do not refer to the breaking news of the human world, nor do they reference some dystopian dysfunction. As always, I will wait and listen. Listen to the Earth, listen to the symphony of life that so many of us hear and pretend not to notice.
On the edges of Stillness, I can feel dystopian despair gripping so much of the human collective. We have no resources, yet we persevere. And it is ‘our fault,’ we are to blame. If that finger does not stop pointing, will we ever be free? Will we learn to be part of a resolution rather than continue to assign blame? And who is ‘we?’
Beloved Gaia surrounds and supports this Stillness, this fiercely morphing Grace. I feel her love intensely. Perhaps it is time to let it all the way in, whatever that might mean. What if Humpty was never a broken egg at all?
Odd musings for a post-full-moon-in-scorpio. Or perhaps not so odd at all. The deeper we go just now, the more we transform.
A friend wrote about the Grace streaming from the Mother of Us All. Yes. And what happens when we become an agent of that Grace? Will we shrink, which violets do not do, by the way, or will we become that embrace?
Happy Morphing!