New Moon, New Month, New Possibilities
What can I say about re-entry? It’s strange, weird even. One sees so-familiar things from an altered perspective. I like this new way of perceiving. I would like it to continue.
I noticed Canada Geese near a lake on the drive from the airport. “Do some winter here?” I wonder. When we have ‘real winter’ it would seem to be too severe for them with lakes iced over and all. Poor things are probably as confused as we are with the odd weather patterns. This year the flocks have been fewer. Will more come later? Is this a reflection of how consciousness is shifting? A few showing up in odd places, and more coming after? Or is that… only a jetlagged mind trying to make sense of where it seems to have landed? Likely. What if this is not a re-entry at all but a commencement?
Today is a new moon, forming in Scorpio in slightly less than two hours from now. This new moon is part of an astrological alignment known as a kite. Having spent some time ‘flying with’ kites recently, the designation is both more meaningful and sillier. Did you know that kites only feed on small mammals and very small birds, because they have small feet? Raptors catch prey with their talons, you see. Beaks are only for eating and, occasionally, crying out. Information one really must have. ;) It makes some of our human behavior make more sense. ???
Today’s astrological kite forms a stargate. heralding the Samhain portal about to form at 15 degrees of Scorpio on November 6th. This is a dynamic energy month. Astrological kites, always a dynamic energy, are aided and supported with love. New moon, new ways to love. Not one of them involves coercion or codependency.
For example, one of the kites I have been visiting, {the raptor variety, not the stargate… or maybe…} has not been flown for aerial displays for some time. She is re-entering this way of being. Part of her training involves being driven to the top of a ridge {fully hooded so she does not freak out} and asked to circle the area, making fly-bys over the demonstration field, and landing on one of the handler’s gloves. Apparently the re-training, some of which I observed, is going “okay.” Saoirse, whose name means freedom, has her own opinions about when and where she wants to fly and why. Imagine that. LOL
These birds fly free when released, trackable by radio transmitter. Saoirse likes to pull hers off her tail feathers, so hers is attached to one of her bracelets. She does have a gorgeous tail and is identifiable by its one white feather amongst the red. As raptors use their tails to both navigate and communicate, hers sends a special message.
For one demonstration, she was released on the cliff, circled a few times, and chose to land in a tree. There she remained, much to the disappointment of her audience. The next time she was flown, I happened to be sitting where I always sit to watch, as the birds become used to my presence and largely ignore me or whap my head as they whiz by. I felt only love for this magnificent creature. Saoirse circled the cliff, then headed straight for the trainer’s upraised hand {which, of course, had food in it}. She then waited until said treat was deposited on a designated perch and, spreading wings and tail, gracefully descended upon it. She flew a few more times around the open-air arena circling over my head more than once. When she had ingested enough food to satisfy her she was ready to go back to the aviary she shares with her sister, Eiru. It was quite clear that she was ‘done.’ Funny, I had been speaking to her, telling her how much her beauty is appreciated {they really are spectacular when they fly} just before she was taken out to be part of the demonstration.
Do all astrological kites send a message of freedom won with effort, or do they hold a message of freedom on one’s own terms? Are the benefits of a kite enhanced by receiving them with love?
What if there is no negotiation in this example? If these birds fly away once they are released, there is nothing and no one to stop them. They come back for easy meals, of course, and are tracked for their protection only. Saoirse lives the best life she can, enjoying the freedom she does have, and insisting upon more when it suits her. Not a bad model for a new beginning.
Nature is nature, after all. May we remember and honor her lessons with our whole hearts.
I can report that many hours in a tin can with wings does not thrill like soaring with the birds. I am, however, grateful for this form of travel, making adventures possible that otherwise might not be.
~ Infinite love