This is What I See…
Amidst the turbulence, the divisiveness, the posturing, and the finger-pointing, something else is happening. Oh, not with those playing the aforementioned games. We need to let them play and stay out of the way. Yes, I mean it. Stay. Out. Of. The. Way.
There are new waves emerging and tides forming, and we are of those emerging formations. Isn’t that exciting?
What could be called a ‘warrior cycle’ for many Starstreams has ended. Or…well…changed. Not only shifted but radically changed. There is much talk amongst the psychic arts crowd {healers, astrologers, psychics} about standing up, standing as truth - all good advice, of course - and pulling up one’s ‘spiritual warrior’ boots. Part of me, the conditioned-to-the-obvious voice, thought, “Well, it’s about time.” Source said, “For them. For those stepping up. Take another look.” So I did. At a certain point, or perhaps many, we learn to LISTEN to that voice, first, above all others, then to let the others fade away gradually. The fact that I heard an inner voice say, “It’s about time,” led me to a process that had not quite completed within me. “But I’ve always been a warrior-healer!” Yes, this beastie exists.
Any of us who have been way-showers, edge-runners, and the like are being asked by Source to step aside. It’s time to let a new wave take over. “But that’s why I’m here!” is the protest I hear from the many voices of Star Streaming that flow in and out of my field. Other voices, not my own. I know, I know. We need to let those protestations be soothed and comforted. We will not lose our warrior skills and abilities, far from it. These abilities have been honed over lifetimes and through many worlds. They are needed, and now, they need to evolve. Hurray!
Here is the current rub. If we keep doing things, insisting on being the do-er in established ways, our jobs will not only be over, they will do us harm. This is not a drill. This is a new wave of surrender for us. This tide moves so deeply that we may miss the truth that it is being formed through our very essence.
Some of the fears that can come up might be, “I’ll be useless,” “Why else am I here?” and even, “How will I support myself?” The last one is the real kicker. So many of us have surrendered or been moved out of ‘real jobs’ in the ‘real world’ to do light work, energy work, and to guide others into those paths… that we have forgotten there could be more.
May I share a funny secret? It worked! And, as the demi-god Mauii in the Disney animated film, Moana sings, “You’re welcome!!!!” Not meant from me to you, of course, but on behalf of all of us. Hilarious! If we do not pivot, we will be hoisting ourselves on our own well-polished work!
My recent time away was a deep dive into inner stillness, even though it carried the seeds of deepened friendships, old and new. I had not felt this still since… what one could call the early post-enlightenment moments when it seemed I was the still point between the turning worlds. Breath-taking, in all the good ways. That still point exists within each of us, make no mistake. It exists within you, and it is now my job to gently point the way.
There is a voice of new adamance that moves through me, and its clarion call cries out for us to lift our eyes and look up from what have been the tasks at hand. Sounds dramatic? It is. This is not ‘human dramatic,’ {boring} but a new epoch of literally lightening up.
Whatever we may have been waiting for, this is not it. This is not that. This is so…much…better. And it will be unique and precious through each of us as we allow ourselves to be unique and precious. We must surrender into our unique forms of precious, sacred alignment. It will work out. Things will be okay. We will be supported in ways we may not have imagined might be possible here, on this oh-so-backward world. I refer to the human collective and not Gaia herself. Yes, as a whole, this is a backward, quite primitive collective. No, this is not a judgment. Stop that! Just really look and realize and know that you no longer need to swim in the toxic tunnels of primitive purgatory. Your time is up. Whatever karmic agendas you have held allegiance to have dissolved. There are waves within those toxic tunnels whose time has come. They will rise and fall and everything in between. They will transform in their own ways.
There is other work for us to do.
Do I know what that work might entail? I am beginning to allow myself to be shown. I had not realized I was resisting this precious gift. It is an allowing and a receiving and has nothing to do with merit or honors earned or any other silly thing we may have been taught. We get to be what we are…unapologetically, openly, and at full throttle. Yes, full throttle. I have no idea how this will take form, but I can share how it feels. @#$%^^!!!!!!!!!
Feel into it. Feel the blast of love that lights it up. Let yourself be the form of this that you incarnated to receive. Yes, You incarnated here to learn, of course, but to receive this transformation. Are you ready? Are you willing to be willing? We are all well able.
The new wave is mounting in our footsteps. Their tonality is, “We’ve got this from here.” And ‘they’ do. We need to let them lead new tribes, form new alliances, and learn from new commitments how to collaborate as One. No, it is not our job to help them. That loop, for us, has closed. It is our job to help one another with new baby steps, fin flutters, and wet wings. We are being re-generated to radiate more universal love.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anaïs Nin
NOW {nurturing the oneness within} we are new buds in new experiences of new worlds.
Happy Celtic New Year and an entirely new incarnation to you, dear starstreaming ones!
What shall we play next? {unabashedly quoting from a great Hindu epic}
Blessed, blessed be. My heart is bursting.