Our Deepest Dark

~ Is birthing light. Duality has burst its seams, and our multi-dimensional natures are upon us.

For those participating in the Integrating Multi-dimensionally series, you’re ahead of the game. The planetary shattering at the Equinox caused many to panic and grab shards of obsolete reality taking flight. Those shards can be sharp! Many grasping hands are now lacerated, yet they persist in holding on, attempting to squeeze into bits of experience that now serve no one. Bleeding lifeforce, they cling to what was known, familiar, familial. They cling to forgetting and what has been forgotten when re-membering is at hand {often literally}. We need not be part of this shredding. We need not feed it nor try to save any part of ourselves that seems to have been ripped away. What we can do is to open, allow, and integrate the myriad newness upon us. We are so much more than we have allowed ourselves to know.

It is not best to rise above the fray but to rest deeply within the supporting currents of these tides. Let the swell give you rest.

Our deepest architectural {fear-based} patterns are not just up for review. They are being dealt with in swift and efficient ways. If we pay attention, we can see our longest-standing patterns from the inside out. We can observe how they track through an entire lifetime and have their roots deep in the game. We can choose to release each facet of underlying architecture as it comes up. For example, we might be shown a bridge we have lived upon… followed by what lives beneath it. {our personal trolls? maybe.} It can be terrifying to see what we have depended upon. It is also liberating. We are being liberated from aspects of the game we no longer need or want to play. We might say, “Finally!” It is simply time ~ time to be awake in new ways.

I have heard some speak of these patterns lately, always in new ways, with new and deeper understanding. Some feel they are plunged into depths of despair. Some feel irritation that a long-processed pattern persists. If and when this happens, let the deep velvet dark of the Great Mother’s heart soothe, comfort, and sustain your passage. For a deep passage, this is. Let her gentle embrace show you how even the deepest dark holds great light.

Tears of joy well up, presaged by a bursting plug of grief. We may feel the grief or fail to understand the tears, but if we allow their passage, joy follows swiftly. We do not weep for what is lost but for what we are becoming. We weep in awe at unimagined wonder.

There is much we are letting go. Yes. And in that shedding, we can lose our heaviness of heart. What if all that we have grieved over is passing away? What if lessons have been learned and wisdom gained? Perhaps it seems not enough. Yet the game is over. Perhaps we judge when we might celebrate. Only we can discern. It is only through our hearts that truth rises. It is time to remove the lid and release our joy.

What creative expression is yours and yours alone? What truth will you now walk, or ride, or fly? What new facets of the grand design are yours to express? We do not yet know. All must fly apart before it can coalesce into coherence of any kind. Let the shards fly! Let the deep, sustaining tides carry you into your newness.

Take refuge in the heart if it is refuge you require. The Creatrix’ grand design has shifted. Within the deep dark of new gestation, we will all spin new dreams. Let your heart inform your body and your mind. Let your emotions relax and release. They have no new purpose within this transit. Not yet… Not yet. Take your ease within the heart of All That Is. Within all that Isness, somewhere there will be flows which you recognize as your own.

much love,

Oh, and hey, if you feel this is all airy-fairy nonsense, give the deep dive a try. I dare you!


Blessings from the Blender


Surfing Sans Self