Re-Membering Field Setting & Amplification
Re-Membering Field Setting & Amplification ~
What is critical for navigating recent and upcoming currents, is an awareness of our energy fields and how they affect everything. Every. Thing. And, the cultivation of receptivity as our fields shift and change.
The New Age and New Thought and New World movements refer to this as raising your vibration. Some give hints, suggestions, or even mandates, as to how this is done. Others share what works for them. And, others share their opinions about what works, whether or not those currents of energy have been validated to be effective. This is still the most common form of information available… unless we tune our fields for the luminous synchronicities that our own guidance provides, and let them filter our input channels. {I can report it works beautifully.}
The truth we act upon is what we perceive it to be. There is TRUTH, which is a fluid and unconditional absolute, imperceivable by the human mind, and there are the myriad filters we use to attempt to perceive it. What shifts the vibration higher for one, will tank another. So, what do we do? Drop all filters? Not the best idea, though as we unfold into embodied essence, we tend toward that direction. What, then? Do we choose our filters? {We did, coming in…}
Why not let the Source Essence that you are, assist? The trick to this, if there is one, is to intentionally tune our fields so that they allow for the highest potentials. This is a critical first step.
Try this guided meditation in Field Setting.
Notice that we use our intent to connect with Source and be full-filled with that Essence in an empowered way. Then, we expect that Source is doing the job of amplifying our intentions to let the Source that we are, affect our bodies / ourselves and every other field we interact with, in an optimal way.
It is time to stop sending and receiving “negative prayer,” in the form of expectations and projections that drop our fields out of optimal.
Thoughts matter.
Try setting your field each morning and evening, as part of your practice. Let your Essence guide how this unfolds for you.
TRUTH: There is nothing outside of your true Essence. The Great Reveal is happening within. Its reflections are what we see in the world around us.
Here is an extension of the field setting practice.
Allow yourself to feel gratitude, and I do mean GRATITUDE, for the divine emissaries, Source’s field agents, those emanations of Presence we speak about as angels, dakini, devas, or guides in any form, for their continued and unconditional assistance. It is always there. {So are our galactic ambassador friends and frenemies, here to assist when we are in a place to receive that assistance.}
For many years, I disdained the various emanations of guidance, even while they shouted for my attention. I was taught to and preferred to, go Source-direct for any and all assistance, guidance, and what-have-you. That is still my proclivity, BUT… AND…I was making an erroneous assumption that those who spoke to “guides” needed some kind of anthropomorphic companionship and assistance to relate to that was “smaller than Source” and therefore, more approachable. That wasn’t pure enough for me. Ha! Perhaps what I was seeing is accurate, for some. Perhaps that is their path and their learning. Perhaps I needed to see what I perceived as limitations, as varying fractals of truth.
Instead of spending even a nano-blip of energy in disdain or dismissal, I learned to harness those horses and let my Source Essence recognize itself in every path, every practice, every nuance of guidance available to anyone. Big task? Not as large as your mind may want to make it. Mind always wants to be the ‘doer,’ in every circumstance, even though this is never so.
The Great Reveal begins with conscious field setting. THEN, acknowledging Source’s emanations in every form, including the field agents, whose sacred geometrical presence informs us at every moment, infusing our fields and intentions as best they can through the filters we have in place. AND, Re-Membering that these emanations are parts of us. Not separate. Not higher-than. Not above nor below, nor within nor without, but ALL. This is the quantum reality of TRUTH. Does it sometimes help to perceive these emanations as ‘with us’ instead of as parts of us? Yes. It is a way to begin to Source-reference, instead of relying upon egoic self-referencing.
So, how to continue or extend the field setting practice? We are talking about this in the current Starstream Series. The way each of us perceives these uplifting and amplifying infusions is unique to each of us. There are, however, threads of luminous energy that guide all of us. There are trends in their symbology that are generally recognizable.
Are these luminosities parts of us, or are they Source’s agents? {It bears repeating.} The answer is a qualified “Yes.” If you allow and receive ‘their’ assistance, you will begin to know…even just a little. We are all learning, all the time. What moves through me, that I can share, is the knowing these luminous currents, and Source’s larger waves, provide. I am becoming ever more conversant in being that. So are you, whether you are aware of it or not.
When we empower {meaning we ask} our angels/ guides luminous aspects, to amplify certain intentions, we begin to create what our minds like to think of as provable and repeatable results. Our part is to “ask” with absolute certainty of support. This is what is called faith. I can no longer count the miracles of my own experience. I’ll bet you’d have a hard time, too, if you felt into it. Take the time to let yourself experience the miraculous in your life. It is a gift we can all receive.
The new influx of energies is all about receiving. Have you ever considered letting yourself receive all that you are? Letting your body rest in your own Source Essence, and be supported by it? It can feel odd or sketchy or even frightening, at first. BUT, this is real. This is what we are all learning, whether we have identified the lesson, identified with it, or ignored it. There is a lot of ignoring happening “out there.” What we can do is to intend our pure love / our highest vibrations, and that the source that we are and that empowers us. empowers that field, and ALL FIELDS, for what is optimal. Hint: Don’t use the phrase ‘highest good’ because it carries baggage. We need to travel lightly just now.
Blessings to you, and thank you for this time spent together,
Infinite love,
Originally published on Goddess Portal Support Ju; 8, 2021.