Frequency Re-Sets

What is a frequency re-set? First, let’s review what it is not.

A frequency re-set is not the result of being worked on, or working on yourself in a healing capacity. It is not a mental re-framing of your thought patterns. It is not repeating affirmations or even sitting in silence for a specific length of time. These things can catalyze a re-set, but not complete one. True shifts come from a comprehensive re-alignment of our entire configuration.

Let’s talk about healing. In a healing session of any kind, your body’s own self-healing ability, its proclivity for homeostasis, is activated. Think about it. Does the antiseptic and bandage heal you? Or, does it prevent sepsis, allowing your body to do what it knows how to do?

Surgery, bone and tissue repair, all these types of medical intervention assist our bodies by setting up an environment that allows them to heal.

Does a healing raise our vibration? It helps. The vibrations that are part of our physical configuration become more congruent with our conscious awareness, allowing us to shift more easily. Healing is not only about clearing symptoms. It is, primarily, about restoring our true alignment with what we are and harmonizing us within that sphere.

It has been said, by many in the spiritual community, that “the physical body needs to catch up.” This is inaccurate. Our cells, made of Gaia’s elementals and the stellar elements that make up all life, are connected to universal intelligence. Their biophotonic essence is part of zero point energy, divine essence, or universal light. Choose whatever term has more meaning for you. Light is intelligence. It knows what to do. We can assist our cells and the light within them by cultivating an energetic environment that is optimal for supporting the frequency re-sets of our evolutionary trajectories.

What does it mean to do so? That is unique to each of us. There are types of intake that promote a more alkaline body environment. This is a more optimal physical environment for our cells, yes. {Eat more LIVE green stuff!} And, there are energy practices that assist even more. A combination of finding what works for us day by day, deep inner listening, and resting in our innate natural harmonies, assists us in navigating this tricky transit more than the most rigorous vegan diet or regimen of supplements or the physical detoxing we put our bodies through.

A true frequency re-set is a deep cellular surrender into our fundamental essence.

All of Gaia is transitioning. All of Gaia is recalibrating. Does that mean we sit back and go along for the ride and/or enjoy the show? Despite the entertainment value, the bleachers are not the optimal seat here, tempting though they may be. Activating the observer and turning that focus inward is optimal. {The collapse is highly entertaining, as long as we don’t identify with any part of the show.}

When some parts of us are resisting our on-going frequency re-sets, is when we feel we need help with one. {One! Ha!}

I worked with someone only yesterday who had correctly identified just this! She absolutely understood the shift that needed to happen, but her body was enmeshed in cellular entrainment with a family member and reluctant to let go. It happens. Our cells tend to entrain {vibrate in collaboration with} with the biological frequencies of our birth families, childhood environments, or deep samskaras we have comitted to work through. It is these entrainment patterns that keep the stories alive, when we’ve long been ready to let go.

Entrained energies act like panicked braking, in a skid. They spin us in inappropriate directions.Is this all part of what we signed up to learn from? Yes, of course. And, most of that learning is now complete. We no longer need the parameters of our physical or energetic infancy.

Did you know your frequency bundle shifts, approximately every five seconds, in earth-space-time? That last phrase is key. Play with this for a moment. Center yourself. Now, pick a moment, represented by a ‘second’ in time. In other words, say “Now!” and begin.

Let your Galactic Positioning System recalibrate from your inner stillpoint. Don’t let your mind get into how long it takes, or what is going on. This re-set happens outside of time and space. When it feels as though you are the still center, and ‘other stuff,’ whatever that may be, is circling around you like a hurricane, bring your conscious awareness into your day-to-day with this awareness intact.

With practice, you will begin to feel this recalibration taking place. You will begin to see the reality bubbles and pages of life experience through which you navigate. You will be able to feel your Source essence popping some of those bubbles, and flowing past or around others, as it navigates in and between and through these self-created fractals of Infinity.

How does this help? As you gain facility with allowing Source to guide your focus, you will see and experience how certain things bypass you, and how you can be drawn through any amount of turbulence on a current of grace. The more aware you are that this is happening, the more amplified the assistance becomes.

Have an issue at work? Flip into this perspective and observe as you are guided through it. Have a physical issue? {Who doesn’t at this time?} Let this perspective assist your body in re-setting whatever is skewing your natural alignment into dissonance.

A frequency re-set It is what is happening for all of us, as Gaia moves through the galactic sheet and the photon belt. It is what happens as we shift vibrations. It is what happens, over and over, as we embody enlightened states of being. These states are primarily those of open, neutral observation and a willingness to be fully present in the constant re-sets of every moment.

Sit with this a bit. We are all opening into more. As we become the openings, we move into greater realms of possibility. Right here. Right NOW.

~ Nalini

As most of you know, an answer to “how I can help” is by allowing the Source that I AM to facilitate the re-sets in frequency and consciousness happening within your being. It is your Source essence that does the doing. But you know that, already.

Originally published on Goddess Portal Support July 2, 2021


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