Setting a New GPS for your Quantum Leap ~
Remember the movie Contact? The wormhole transit system that enabled Jodi Foster’s character to travel to a distant star system, through several linked portals? Quantum leaping begins this way. First, we surrender the concept of an either/or in every choice we make. “This one or that one” becomes a series of case statements: this one or that one, this one and that one, some combination of both, some combination of neither, and, finally, all of this or something better…
How to access a quantum leap?
Let’s back up just a bit, to THIS WEEK, the week this blog is being published. This week is a finale of sorts, where we glimpse hints of the calm and clarity that come after the storm, through the storm’s bluster. As the purgation burns through its last bonfire of our vanities, we can feel simultaneously pushed and hindered.
The key to a quantum leap is to move into our still center, no matter how chaotic it might feel at any moment, and to open from there. You don’t want to open to the swirling chaos? Who does? That’s okay.
Find a still moment, even a second or so, and visualize your multidimensional and multiversal circumstances thundering around in the funnel cloud surrounding you. Within the swirl of shadow also exist the gifts and blessings available to you.
Do you have to surf your shadow to receive the gifts? Only if you still have rules that so indicate. Those rules are swirling around as well, providing the impetus for your perception of chaos. Surrendering our old foundations means letting go of what was built upon them and what enforced those circumstances. Take reinforced concrete as an example. The concrete mixture AND the rebar have to dissolve.
Try this: Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and let yourself see through the greyness of the “nothing” {remember the Neverending Story?}. Don’t try to see anything specific. True seeing happens when we’re not looking for a specific outcome. Relax your focus and let the shadow dissolve, dissipate, and drift away. Feel your piece of the Infinite field as it clears through you. This is home, for now.
Too esoteric for you? Try the remix.
Sit with eyes closed. Take a deep breath. Release the breath, letting go of all the static in your mind and emotions. Feel the relief as collective angst, your karmic purging, AND, if you so choose, your conditioned addictions to pain and drama, melt away. Yes, you can let this happen. You won’t miss anything, backslide, or any other dire circumstance, if you drop the whole swirling burden. It is going to play itself out, so don’t be surprised, disappointed, or upset, if your moment of still clarity is disrupted a few heartbeats later. Repeat the stillness. Choose to rest there, no matter what. That choice sets you up for the leap to come.
It is time to make a courageous commitment to your new GPS locator, the “home” vibration that is optimal for you.
We need our courage and will need it fully functional, as we choose, make a decision, commit, and train our minds to focus on the quantum workings of our new GPS. “But I don’t know how.” Exactly! That’s where courage comes in.
A quantum leap is a leap of faith in utter positivity.
It is time to focus on “what if?” and “what might be possible?” instead of letting the past filter the future. Remember, it is all happening at once. Instead of letting your mind be seduced by “Well, here’s how the world works,” you could ask “What is optimal? How good could this get? What is THIS, anyway?” There is always another path, another solution.
Play with this in your stillness, your mind, and heart. The whole world is lost in transition… “How bad is this going to get? This is probably what is going to happen…” OR you could be one of those who feel a myriad of other potentials and possibilities and is willing to trust that bits of those will fall into place just for you.
Much more fun!!!
Let the storm spin itself out. Grand finale time. A limited-time-only performance. Or, it can be, as you choose a GPS re-set for quantum optimization. Then, observe, as the bits begin to flow in and out and through your life, weaving new waves just for you.
It’s worth a try, right?
Love to you,
And if you’d like meditation to accompany your re-set, try this one! Hot off the transmission! xo
More coming in September / October… stay tuned.