Surrender, Faith & Trust in Transition ~

As the world begins to move outward again, one baby step at a time, we need to turn our focus inward, as fully and completely as possible. What seems to be, is not what is. We need to pay attention to how we are using our energies, our emotions, and our stories.

What will move us into the most optimal new realities is a combination of surrender, faith, and trust.

I always ask Source, “What have I not yet surrendered about this?” when challenging feelings or situations show up. Most of our unsurrendered internal content has to do with how we want things to be, with expected or hoped-for outcomes. Some of these are conscious, some unconscious.

The eclipse cycle shows us where we are unsurrendered on a daily, if not moment to moment, basis. This cycle is filled with corrective energies, large and small. What we no longer need is being shaken out of our bodies and lives. This is planetary as well as personal.

What will sustain us is being supported in newer, truer ways. Some of these ways will take a bit of adjustment on our parts. It is up to us to alter our expectations in alignment with what is unfolding. Better still, if we clearly state our intentions, then let go unconditionally to Source as the do-er, we can count on optimal manifestation. Every. Time.

Why don’t we think this happens? This is where processing comes in. There are belief systems, thought patterns, and habits of behavior we have not bothered to deal with. Source is now bothering in our best interests. SHE will leave no habit un-altered if we so choose.

When we think of corrective energies, we can feel the shame of being corrected. Part of awakening is learning to take correction from life, from the Great Mother, from our mentors and teachers, and from those who love us who are not adrift in our dramas. As we mature spiritually, we learn to accept these corrections without guilt, shame, or reactivity. This learning takes a lifetime. Sometimes a sharp correction is necessary to effect the change we want to happen. It is always best to listen when Source is offering a correction inwardly, so SHE does not need to use life situations to get our attention.

In times of the greatest uncertainty, our belief systems, thought patterns, and habits of behavior will try to take over. Our childhood defaults will rise up to defend us and be defended, time and time again if we let the fears and expectations of others run rampant through our bodies and fields.

We can offer our gratitude to these triggering events, as we release our reactions unconditionally, first as thoughts, then emotions, then the deeper feelings they mask.

These patterns try to do their originally programmed job of keeping us safe. It helps, as our faith is shaken to the core, to remember that our patterns are all constructs of ego. Each of our dearest beliefs is a thought pattern that has had some benefit for us. It has formed rules and limitations to keep us from harm. Or, so we have been conditioned to believe.

When everything is in flux, how could our old rules be accurate? We can help ourselves by questioning our beliefs as they come up. Will this work going forward? Our essence always knows the truth.

Some things are true even if we don’t believe them.

This is a time of intending new realities, allowing ourselves to be shaken, threshed to the core, and shifted into what is newly possible.

Sometimes we are so afraid of losing parts of what was, we cannot see what is, or what can be.

The end of this month will be revelatory, in ways both large and small. Why wait, to open yourself to what might be revealed?



Setting a New GPS for your Quantum Leap ~


If I Could Tell You...