Surfing Between All Orbs

I was chatting with a friend, yesterday. We were speaking of the individual orbs into which we see everyone retreating. It looks as though everyone is pulling their chosen perceptions of reality in tighter, closing them in upon themselves, battening down for dear life. I say “looks as though,” even though that is, by and large, what is happening.

The way to be free, to travel safely and wisely, in this situation, is to drop one’s own egoic bubble and let Source navigate what flows through us and what we flow within. This is the entire point or goal, if there is one, of what was called enlightenment. When we drop our conditioned, our chosen, then our treasured {and often hard-won}, bubbles of perception regarding the truth of experiential reality, we become free. Free to let Source navigate through us, as us. We embody a purity that is in harmony with nature, with all of life.

We are Source Essence. Always. Any lifetime, with its experiential parameters, sets us up for perceiving in limited ways, with limited means and meanings. We experience through a kaleidoscopic lens with specific ‘bits of glass’ or filters available to us. This is how the appearance of a linear life, forms.

So what happens when we have finally found our chosen perceptions of reality? The views, belief systems, thought patterns, and habits of behavior that form our experience of existence? There are as many answers to that question as we are. The most common tendencies are: we add to our arsenal of corroborative perceptions to reinforce this orb, seeing what we expect to see, hardening, solidifying, and defending this position, or we allow our orb to be flexible enough to add new perceptions, but only to a point. This is how most people live their lives. They incarnate to have experiences in particular, and to learn from perceiving in specific ways. For most, this is exactly the point, and the purpose for a lifetime of experience. We are all taught to do this, and do, until we choose to navigate another way. Not everyone chooses, or will choose, this kind of freedom, nor must they.

In the case of those pursuing enlightenment, there are other ways to navigate and to perceive. Many, in fact. First, as I have said, written, and mentioned in every possible way I’ve ever been able to articulate, Enlightenment cannot be earned, nor conferred, and is not available for being stalked or dreamed into existence. Those are mental exercises. They free up the mind, a bit, but that is all.

Freedom from the confines of an, or any, egoic bubble is something else entirely. And, the term Enlightenment may well have outlived its usefulness in this world. It has come to imply specialness, or ‘better than’. It is not that. Those who have consciously embodied their Source Essence {consciously being the important expression here} have been the way-showers, the edge-runners, reminding those with aspirations toward freedom and evolved awareness that this is possible.

And, now, in the midst of fierce grace, this freedom is more available to us than ever. This type of freedom, the release from compliance and domination by any bubble, requires the work of unconditional surrender. I honestly don’t know, or know of, anyone who has accomplished that completely, while in a body. {And I’ve met more than a few awakened ones in this life.} This kind of awareness is a radiant gradient of joy in letting go. We see a pattern and feel awe and wonder at its existence. Then, we are graced to experience the awe, wonder, and joy, as the energies employed in the pattern’s construction and defense are released to become something else, or simply to be. This way of being holds a profound sense of relief and peace. Feelings of being taken care of, no matter what, {and there will still be ‘whats’} if allowed to take over, will. We become precisely and profoundly sensitive to the intricacies of Source’s navigation. Once the ebb and flow of self/noself has ceased, this sensitivity and its accompanying ability to be navigated within Grace, only increases. Simply put, it’s awesome!

So, in the case of one who has found their preferred orb, created a desired sacred space for themselves, and now has a deep understanding of what they choose to embody, if not why… it’s time to surrender that, as well. Any fixed identity, or identification with anything, skews our flow. This is only what happens. And, from this, we learn.

The way to navigate between all bubbles, requires that we drop ours to do so. Any bits of bubble remaining will have the tendency to latch on to other bubbles with similar bandwidth and frequency. Like attracts like, in other words. It is an electromagnetic fact.

What keeps us solidifying and defending our bubbles is that which we refuse to see, to acknowledge as some kind of identity within us. Why not take a good look? There is only freedom to be gained, once we look and let go.

As we, and everything, gain momentum, the freedom and purity quotients available increase exponentially. This could be the greatest ride, ever conceived of on any world. That is a great game!

Love to you all as your bubbles burst,
{~ and bon Quatorze Juillet! Another Bastille stormed!}


Temple in the Tumble


Troubled Waters