Troubled Waters

Whenever I hear that phrase, my memory goes off into “Bridge” by Simon and Garfunkel. And, for this time, that martyrdom concept, though laced with love, is inappropriate in most circumstances and cosmically incorrect. That’s a mouthful isn’t it? And sad, from a certain point of view. We can’t really ‘be there’ for anyone else. To our obligatorily conditioned minds and emotions that may sound cold and uncaring. It is simply truth. Some of you are experiencing this for yourselves. That’s brilliant!

I, for example, practice ‘being there’ for Source, as Source, and letting Her point the hose, so to speak. It doesn’t mean I love any of you the less. It is only a true alignment, and the only one I know how to live. You are each precious and cherished by Source {and ‘me’}. She also cherishes those with whom I might never wish to have contact, and, for the most part, navigates me in other directions… same for you. Sometimes tolerance, or accepting that another’s path is another’s path, is as far as you need to go. Look in that mirror. Accept, acknowledge, shrug, and move on. Trusting this has shifted ‘me’ from any idea of ‘me’ into what is real. And, that’s only my example. You have your own.

One of the systems being demolished, at present, is that of spiritual dependency. This is a good thing. In feeling lost without a ‘way’ forward, you will find that ‘your way’ has always lived within you. Your pathless path forms beneath your feet. You have always known that… and now it is becoming more real than ever before. Revelation is hitting the road.

Feel into how it feels to relax into your own precise and true alignment, and let go of all ideas about how you are supposed to behave, what you are supposed to do, and what others might think. By and large, ‘others’ are involved with their own meltdowns at the moment and have no bandwidth for yours. This is also good news. Your own heart, your own body, is sacred space. We are all being taught what that means and how to function from that understanding. We were not taught this alignment in our bodies. We all have to learn new ways.

What came up for me over the past few days, was the last two years of my Mum’s life. My parents, unintentionally and unconsciously, spent those two years torturing one another. It was ghastly. No amount of loving them out of it, especially on my part, made the slightest dent. Jane Austin wrote, “It could have happened differently, but it didn’t.” Like that.

And, as torture burns out of my body, and I deal with the physical symptoms of this realignment, I am seeing parallels with the last few years of my life. Unconscious projections held in my body ‘torturing’ or being abusive, to use another word, toward my consciousness and likely those of others. Therein lies the pain. My body is reeling a bit. Dizzy and scared. Loss of visual acuity. She has still held patterns around harmlessness, around not being abusive of others, to the point where I have sacrificed my physical and energetic well-being, and that of my own awareness, over and over again, mostly without realizing I was so doing. When patterns run in the physical but have been wiped clean in consciousness, they can become more difficult to spot. So, memories come up, or our bodies might produce symptoms that resonate with what is releasing, rather than with what we are.

I found a nasty little double-bind, of allowing ‘myself’ to be bullied, and internally bullying myself. Lovely. More martyrdom? And, not that this has gone unnoticed or unprocessed over the years. These are the tarry bits, hiding under rocks and in tide pools of physical awareness, that Her waves are washing clean.

The unified field creates no such distortions. Letting the flow of Her love dissolve these away is joyous and relieving. These are the tears that wash consciousness clean.

I don’t share this to be morbid or scary or to legitimatize any victim stance. This is more a sharing of what is coming up for everyone. And, it will not be, for you, as it is for anyone else! So, before you dive into what is scarily and dramatically ‘wrong’ that is coming up for you, because, hey, the ego loves drama… choose your own light. Choose the love that you are. Just be it. The rest will slough off and evaporate. A little self-cherishing, as our old-world tethers dissolve, goes a long way. I find I am spending more quiet time than anything else, and that is what needs to be. For you, it may be something else. Likely, actually!

Oh, and if you are in the U.S., or if you have any American coding in your body at all, Monday 11th July is the next exact alignment of the country’s Pluto return. Part of me can’t wait to see what this churns up! Other parts are in total duck-and-cover mode, happily munching treats at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

Stay out of the blast zone! Do what makes your heart sing, and all will go more smoothly for you.

Trust yourself. You are okay. And, you never did anything ‘wrong.’ We all come here to Gaia’s gracious University, to ~ LEARN. Rest in your light, let your heart and womb-creative-space lead, {yes, the guys too} and all will be well. No matter how it seems, you are the safe space you’ve been searching to inhabit. Breathe.

“Everything will be all right in the end. And, if it is not all right, it is not the end!” ~ from the film, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Blessings, beloveds,


Surfing Between All Orbs


Doorways, Portals & Alignment, Oh My!