The Consciousness of Storms
Yesterday my housemate followed the path of hurricane Laura via some news station or other. I noticed every time I walked through the room that the fear vibe pouring out of the TV had intensified. At one point the reports even went so far as to predict “unsurvivable” storm surges whose effects might travel 40 miles inland.
The drama dredged up a few memories of other such storms. I remembered another hurricane, decades ago in Boston. Fierce winds, lashing rain, some trees down, and the power was out for a couple of days. I remembered meditating through the worst of it, opening my eyes occasionally to a particularly strong gust rattling my windows. I was going through an intense time and the cleansing power of the storm was glorious.
Last night, after feeling that things were not going to be as bad as advertised, I meditated and went to sleep.
Storms fascinate me, as they mirror locally held collective consciousness.
What is happening psychically and emotionally in the human collective plays out in the path of the storm. Weather of every kind occurs due to atmospheric influences, of course. But what influences the atmosphere?
We all know that one party-pooper can pollute a room, bringing down the vibration and spoiling everyone’s good time. Think what 7 billion, immersed in the anticipation of a negative event, can cause.
Have you ever wondered what kind of weather the planet might enjoy if the energetic atmosphere of the human collective was harmonized? A common reaction to this question is, “sure, things would get better, but there’s nothing ‘I’ can do.”
We have forgotten a fundamental truth. Beneath all separation, all individuality there is Oneness. If we tap into the Oneness, even a few of us, with calm and clear fields, the difference we make is astonishing. Every. Time. Especially when we do not project personal will onto a specific outcome.
I spend a lot of time and energy asking conscious people not to spend time tapping into the human collective. Way too much turbulence, as evidenced by this storm, the pandemic, fires, and many other events. Paying attention to collective drama is not tuning in.
What we tune into is the ONENESS that is Source. SHE always knows what is optimal. The technique is simple, as are most essential things. “Thank you that what happens is what is optimal.” Feel love for your planet {or the situation} in your heart, then let go.
The more we fuss, the more turbulent things become. Reactivity is fundamentally dysfunctional.
Yes, there was damage from hurricane Laura, initially to roofs, walls, and a weather radar antenna, though there has been heavy rain and flooding over a wide area. Evacuation orders were given in plenty of time for those in the path of the storm to vacate. For the most part, the storm did far less damage than advertised. Don’t they all?
One might believe that the storm was simply going to blow itself out. Or, perhaps enough people prayed and sent blessings that the damage was less than it could have been. What do your feelings tell you?
What are your associations with the weather on the planet?
What we believe about the storms in our lives, dictates our path. Don’t we always learn that fearing what might happen was worse than what did happen? Fear attracts the things we most dread. Maybe you don’t believe that. Maybe you feel that the storms of your life have produced disaster and devastation that has no thing to do with you. Fair enough.
What we believe about life tends to come true for us.
What you believe about Source, the Great Mother, the Oneness, will invariably act itself out in your life.
We are at a critical crux of the great shift. All our workarounds and failsafes have to be surrendered along with our beliefs. Only then will the storms dissipate or pass us by.
Got storms? You don’t need biscuits. ;) Look at what you believe. Feel the dread/excitement and follow the path reactivity takes in your body. Watch that path veer away from your heart, away from anything that might dissipate the charged-up state running through you. These charged feelings are the juice that feeds the storms.
It’s time we turned off the juice, refusing to carry it into the realities we can now manifest around us.
Enjoy watching nature’s show! Monitor your charged expectations and love the phenomena as they roll on by. SHE’s got this.