The Enjoyment of Life

It’s about the simple things. Good walks. Tea and toast. Four-legged cuddles. A good book. A good book and four-legged cuddles. Sunlight through the leaves of a favorite tree. Moonrise over the mountains. Pink sunrise over the Continental Divide. Things that glow and make us so.

Did I mention the sea? I do miss the sea. Mountains and the sea. There’s a treat. Coastal cliffs. How much of life is about water? How much of enjoyment is drinking in its delights?

The waxing full moon / partial lunar eclipse is upon us, rounding out the Eclipse Cauldron with a grand reflection of how we let joy percolate through and filter into life. What will this lunation show us? How open are we to the Source that shapes us all?

What bands of frequency rise to be illuminated by moonlight, then partially shadowed so that we might see?

Trust your feelings. Trust what you feel, know, and see. Seeing is a whole-field perception, not only a visual pursuit.

I have been seeing occultations in the fields of those I work with. Shimmering like puddles of greyish-silverish light, they show, full moon or no, what is shy and choosing to remain hidden. Someone said to me, “I want to control my seeing.” It made me laugh out loud. True seeing is unconditional surrender into Source and allowing oneself to receive what She offers. That ‘allowing’ bit? Are you allowing yourself to enjoy the magical parts of your life? Are you enjoying your inherent magic? Life is a tapestry shaped by Divine Magic. So are you.

Are you ready to be a fully magical being in an entirely magical world? Are you ready to live in awe? That is one perspective of Oneness. All things part of a grand whole. All beings, all our relations. A/we. All one. As our hearts slough off what has gone before, become whole, and radiate that wholeness, we cannot help but feel, see, and know. Order is unimportant. All things are divinely ordered. Perception lives in nonlinear reality. So do we.

Instead of playing the “I spy” game, perhaps use this lunation to play another. Rather than look outward, feel inward. Relax into the higher frequencies now available and enjoy that radiance! Your inner radiance is home!

As I scribe the lunations of this calendar year, I observe Gaia and we, her children, as we change. I hope it will be a good story. It has certainly been an amazing experience and somewhat gripping tale. I may have mentioned that my range of superlatives has distilled into “wow.” I remember being at University in England and touring various cathedrals, abbeys, ruins, etc., with a group of architecture students. After a few weeks, that same verbal range became a whispered awestruck “wow.” The don who accompanied us heard my whisper and saw my tears of joy. He laughed out loud, saying, “There is it. The awestruck response. It catches all of us eventually.” Then he clapped me on the shoulder and ventured off in search of tea.

There is simple enjoyment of life, and then there is JOY. One of the best of life’s secrets is that they spring from the same well of wonder.

Is your well of wonder overflowing yet? This radiance is what we are meant to be.


Hidden Patterns Revealed


Starstream Dream