Hidden Patterns Revealed
Here it is, the first week of November, and Samhain is fast upon us. Thinned veils have disappeared, and some that are long gone have reasserted themselves to flag us in appropriate directions. What lines of light now guide us?
There is a sapphire thread of light in my largest Labradorite companion that keeps reaching for my attention. Rather than try to tell me anything, it shows me the nuances of how that light stream moves and weaves reality. All last month, I watched the sapphire and other lines of light dance through the stone and my life. Each merged with existing patterns, reshaping them, and each formed new patterns of its own. Most of these patterns, old or new, disappeared once a transformation had occurred. Most of these weaves indicated depths I had not yet seen within the context of this life. The point is that nothing is as it seems at the moment, and if we find ourselves in an inner dialogue that runs, “Oh, I know that pattern,” look again! The lines of these transformations show us what is truly happening. Perhaps few can see these alterations, but all of Gaia’s inhabitants are feeling them.
Then Fluorite entered the game. Its glowing essence had wanted to play as soon as I began to pay attention to emerging threads of light. Fluorite’s infused bands of color offer a visual and tactile reference for how this year’s transformations are instantiating. Delicate lines of pure essence coalesce into bands of frequency and attention. These bands then play through Gaia like sunlight streaming through quiet seas. The waters shift, land masses ripple, and heights are re-charged with what will best refresh the realms of their radiance. These bands of frequency alter all they touch, as well as moving ever toward the formation of new life, new heart, and new reality. All of this is bringing up, in a tsunami of compassionate comprehension, what has transpired for our best and deepest benefit.
For example, the latest astrology class I am participating in is on the dwarf planet Salacia. Most are attracted to her mythology as one of the wives of Neptune or in her guise as Mermaid. Lovely, that. It cannot be denied. That she was betrayed as part of that relationship is only part of the story and, if I’m honest, one I could say I’m bored with now. The character of Willow’s famous line, {from Buffy the Vampire Slayer} “Bored now!” echoed through my awareness and made me look at what might be under that callous dismissal.
I saw all of my relational life, relationships with others and with myself, through a finely honed lens of perception. I saw how, as a relatively naive young person, I stepped into situations from a place of deep compassion, of understanding what it might be to walk in the moccasins of another. What I had not learned was that compassion needs tempering with discernment. We are all learning that now. I saw how each and every relationship with ‘another’ mirrored not only my own blind spots but how what I perceived as blindness was sourced. I found myself able to be kind to those others disparaged. I found myself able to love those others found ‘difficult.’ Part of me was always motivated by wanting to help. That, I saw in this latest revelation, was the trigger for so much learning!
As compassion welled through me, I reached out, and I did not say ‘no’ when that stance might have been more appropriate to my own well-being. When I consulted Source about this, Her answer was simple. “Am I not the doer? Did you listen to that conditioned impulse or Me?” And I realized all the times, the almost-always times, I had acquiesced in life, which brought many lessons. Was that the point? Were those lessons necessary? Only we decide. We choose, according to our Lifetime Agreements. Even those are now defunct and dissolved, as they need to be, for what is unscripted and unknown to find us.
Our most deeply embedded lesson patterns are now washed up and revealed. Skeletons rising from the depths of our experience ask to be set free. What will Source create through us with all this re-purposed energy? Integrations have begun that are wondrous to perceive. Maybe take a moment. Take a breath and see.
Much love ~