Pearls Within Pivots
Often found within synchronicities, pearls developed within our Source Essence do so not only through the friction of life’s happenings but through our synch points within the Oneness. What is such a synch point? These points of connectivity, like the points of light in the Flower of Life, form through resonance with what we love.
To delve more deeply into this mystery, find your favorite image of the Flower of Life. This is a gazing exercise. It need not be done physically, meaning with your eyes, though it helps. Notice what shapes draw you in. Let that happen, by flowing with it, until one point of light, an intersecting point, asks for your attention. Let your ‘self’ be absorbed into and as that point of light. Observe what you are shown.
Absorbed in this way, you inhabit a node of multidimensional connectivity. This is the foundational architecture of the Oneness, both within and as the reflections of what you perceive as outside of you.
For example, this past Sunday night, the largest active volcano in the world, Mauna Loa, erupted. Mauna Loa resides on the big island of Hawaii, the foundational creation point of that island chain and a primary Source connection in that location. This island, like some others, lives in my heart.
So, in the wee hours of Sunday morning, mountain time, my body woke me up with intestinal cramping, of a type I had forgotten existed. Eruption ensued. My body continued to erupt for 10 hours, until around Noon on Monday. As dawn began to glimmer, I ingested water and activated charcoal, as those are my body’s preferred helpers in such a situation. I was quite physically dizzy, with the house seeming to move beneath my feet, yet I was not at all disoriented. The message from Source was to “Be Still.”
I let my housemate know that I was not physically up to interaction and needed a restorative day. My body thanked me profusely. She is all too aware of my tendency to persevere.
Next morning, another level purged, this time more gracefully, though causing my mind a bit of concern. Source let me know, “Remember what you learned. Everything is all right. You are always taken care of.” No segues into fear, thank you very much. And, so, I wondered, as things seemed to be settling down some, what was happening. I had been “physically fine” the night before this began.
When I booted up my laptop, the title of the first article in the Pocket feed informed me that Mauna Loa had begun to erupt at the exact same time as my body’s experience. I have been consciously working with Gaia for some time now, not doing, so much as being with her in her transition. During this time I have noticed, again and again, how my physical body harmonizes and melds with hers.
This was not a test, but an exercise. Would I freak out, or would I let Gaia’s and my body’s wisdom lead my mind? As I read the PBS article and realized the synchronicity of the event, I deepened in. How not-exactly-odd and how fun… so to speak. I heard Gaia’s voice thrumming through me. “Much purging to accomplish. Never fear.” I don’t tend to, so that last made me chuckle.
I did ask Source why this occurred in the way it had done. She answered, simply and clearly, “Love.” The gestalt that followed was immense and intense. The gist of it, as I integrate and begin to have words around this experience, is that “Love is not what anyone thinks. It is creation. Full stop. Anything else is filtered with flows that have been twisted into fear.”
The images presented to me in vision were of parents and teachers, warning children/students not to do something because they might be injured or damaged. I was shown how I have felt or done the same, and how that twisted flow of love resonates with the other’s fear, rather than their heart. How many times have we heard a parent or teacher say, “I’m saying/doing this because I love you!”? And, once the body’s hormones set in, we rebel, because our bodies recognize the fear laced into the love and correctly feel, “Not that!” There is no way to change this pattern other than to let go of it completely and let Source take over.
When I felt into that, She said, “See? It worked.” An affinity with Mauna Loa created what could be seen as purging, but was a release and re-set in my body. “Mutual transformation,” Pélé chimed in. Yes. And how amazingly beautiful, if a bit uncomfortable.
At this point in Gaia’s transition, most issues lie in the in-between. It may not seem so, but much of what is being dredged is intradimensional, as in crossing dimensional boundaries that perhaps would have been better left intact. This is different than multidimensional. Using the Flower of Life diagram again, think of one of the circles of petals being smudged across others. That is not melding or harmonizing, it is a type of intradimensional interfering and polluting.
Why does this information matter? Perhaps it doesn’t, to you. For me, it explained quite a bit. It showed me why our individuated points of light are so critical to this juncture. I was reminded how easily we can simply be in and experience any of the infinite points of light with which we resonate. There is always another perspective, another way to experience anything, and there are always infinite points of view. This is the premise of the Multidimensional Empowerment series that will be coming through in 2023.
What attracted me to this experience? Love. Love of Gaia and her magmatically pristine elementals of creative flow, love of the emerging force of a living island, a magical synch point of land, sky and sea, without ever needing to become a rock.
“…a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries…” ~ Simon and Garfunkel
This may have resonated once, but perhaps not anymore…
Many truths are worth digging to find.
Most are delivered to us through the heart .
Are we mollusk or artist? What pearls grow within our pivots? Is there a difference after all?
Artwork by
Here’s to our magical inception points. May we embody each and every one.
It’s a big energy month! Glow toward goodness, beloved ones.