The Wisdom of “I Don’t Know”

Riding the Tipping Point. Between now and Bealtaine, we. are. tipping. It is a shift in perspective, perception, and frequency. The best way to plunge in and be carried through is with an open mind and a steadfast heart.

This is a rare refinement of reality. It is a tsunami of devotional possibility.

On 28 May 1989, I returned to my flat after a quick run, did a few yoga asanas on the living room floor, stood up, and wham! The room spun around and I fell down, like a child, when spinning was a joyous game. My world changed that evening, though I hadn’t yet realized the fact. Do humanoid bodies have pole shifts? I’ve since wondered. My body radically re-oriented, though there were still fulfillments and completions to be lived through, within the roles I had come in to play.

It feels now, like it did then. Thirty-three years ago. And, the master number for my birthday into this body is ‘33.’ Hmm. A re-birth, yes. A re-calibration, certainly. A massive recapitulation has taken me through the past two years of lock-downs and limitations, making me laugh at the sensations of yet another cave experience I’ll need to meditate my way through. Really? That is the spiritual do-er talking. The one who likes to think she knows… something… anything… many things. Nothing could be further from the truth. The old life really is over. The shift is undeniable in every dimension. New body. New heart. New light and new life.

Multidimensional alignment is what is happening for us all. Not to us, for us. Feel the difference in the energy of those expressions. We are moving from a paradigm of either/or, for/against, into the truth of WITHness. Moving WITH the tsunamis of potential, as the waves, the currents, and the droplets of alignment we truly are is our new adventure.

I can feel Source re-aligning me to an entirely new configuration. I AM, finally, releasing all resistance in body, life, and mind. I thought I had done, but surprise, surprise! Part of me has held on to the idea that, “this ringing in my head needs to stop.” I have lived in the Stillness in spite of it, rather than with it. In moments of withness, the feeling-frequency of the sound is that of submersion underwater. In other moments, my physical balance has so re-oriented now that I ignore the constancy of this inner physical message. Every healer I have met, and there have been many, has thought they had the solution to the ringing. Bless them all. For thirty-three years I have ‘borne it,’ or perhaps held onto it, regardless. My body learned to balance in what must have been an old alignment, while carrying the frequencies of the new. It is time to alter any expectation with regard to this fresh alignment. And the shift is happening.

It begins with Bealtaine. I can’t wait to see how She unfolds this, works this one out, and creates me anew. Will I drop this body? Body says, “no, not yet.” This is wholistic shifting at the cellular level, however. I remember. I agreed. So did you, though you may have yet to recall your agreements, those that are now obsolete and those whose alignments are coming into being. Let the old life move through its completion. Resistance is not only futile, it is just plain silly. Maybe the way I have been silly about this ringing in my head/ear is in wanting it to stop? I don’t pretend to know. I never have. How have you been silly about whatever-it-is in your life? How might you let the waves adjust your course, rather than wearing yourself out with oar and rudder and paddle? When will you stop bailing, as the way out is through?

When Source places you in proximity to a multi-dimensional influx of information, input, download, or what-have-you, the appropriate response is to listen and to receive. Have you? I choose unconditional alignment in receptivity with Source. I choose it absolutely, no matter what. You will choose whatever is appropriate for you. And, that is as your experience will be, no matter how you flex your personal will. Surrender is not a spectator sport. It requires an open heart, most of all. It requires that one learns to open the heart into Source, as Source, and to include oneself, and all of those fake-ids, so that every aspect of self converges and comes…home.

Happy Homecoming. What seems to be in the way may be an aspect of self you have denied, denigrated, or wanted to ignore. What shows up will hold something precious, no matter how it may seem at first glance. Use the current celestial alignments to turbo-boost you into more of what IS. See you in the Oneness. The water’s fine.

It is my privilege to share the deep magicks with you. May you hone your Source-collaboration skills with grace and refinement.
Deep Love,


Let’s Talk Fierce Grace


The “Recovering Do-Er”