The “Recovering Do-Er”

I was introduced to this phrase a few days ago. What a great archetype to move through and transcend! For some, it takes a physical event or illness to stop the egoic do-er in its tracks. For others, the process is more gradual. As with most things, there is no ‘right way’ but only what is appropriate for each of us. And the trick of it is that our “do-er” self does not know what our right way might be. Its’ incessant efforts do not ‘find the way’ but get in the way. The mind will do almost anything to delude and distract us from this truth.

I have spoken about the power and flow of surrender for so long now, that the phrase “recovering do-er” tickled me immensely. It is another way to tease the mind into letting go. Give it a project, because the mind loves projects, then let surrender shred the rug the project stands on. While Kali is infamous for her surgical deftness in pulling the rug out from under us, and can be invoked as such an ally, real surrender is a different thing altogether.

No matter how we might want to perceive the circumstances and emerging paradigm of “being,” what we’re talking about is surrender. We surrender, or relax deeply, into the bundle of frequencies that resonates uniquely within us as the love that we are. No capitulation or compliance, but spiraling into the truth within.

The word surrender frustrates and confuses many. If there are parts of you that react in this way, ask them why. “What is threatening about the idea? It will have to do with concepts and definitions held by your mental, physical, and emotional bodies. The most optimal way of being with these reactive states is to accept, acknowledge, and let them move on.

As of 2050, the current galactic year {cycle} completes its inner spiral, positioning at zero degrees, before doing… what? I’m sure there are those who profess to know. I am not one of them. As our galaxy spirals into its ‘home’ signature, so do our cellular structures and physiological systems. What might be optimal then? What might we become? What will zero degrees of ‘self’ birth anew?

From the Oneness, all things are possible. All things exist in potentiality. Our resonance calls forth from this Infinite Sea the reflections we most need and desire {what we love}. What do you love? You can choose to let your heart open to every permutation of that love and see what happens. I can report that the expanded integration is more than worth the energy put into the practice.

One of the core processes most ‘up’ as we spiral inward, is the surrender into our own hearts of all things we have judged as unlovable. It is a global “dark night,” of infinite permutations. When what has walked in what we call darkness integrates with what walks in what we call light, another form of us manifests. It melts and glows golden. It continues to morph as we dissolve into more. It is the Stillness that births all realities. It is the source of all that shimmers and transcends.

Won’t you join the Great Mother as she invites us to enjoy this ride?

Love to you on your journey!


The Wisdom of “I Don’t Know”


To Walk With Game-Changing Feet