Waking Up During Transition

Photo by Erika Burkhalter

Reality is different now. And it keeps on changing.

“…Le jour de gloire est arrivé.” Second line lyric from La Marseillaise. Today is Bastille Day and all. I have beloved friends who live in France, so echoes of their traditional holiday play out a bit in my field. The funny part is that this is currently true. The “day” of glory has arrived. The day of inner recognition of light is at hand. Seems not, right? Of course, I am not aligning with any nationally chauvinistic theme but with the truth, as I perceive it.

We all see “through a glass, darkly,” to quote yet another book of infamous teaching stories. Most recently, I have been watching a deep rosy glow rising beneath the North Atlantic. Rest assured, it will not long remain in that location. It has spread already, in fact. The ruby crystals it illuminates are growing in my perception. And, yes, they look a bit “darkly,” though as their image rises to the front of consciousness, their inner light ignites as well. A bit like us, perhaps?

I recently heard it said that “egoic dissolution” is basically ridiculous and does not work at this time. Well… I allowed the observer function to take a look and found that Source could not disagree. Hmm. “My” website reads that I have taught a thing called egoic dissolution for thirty years. The words call it that, yes. Did the Source within me ever truly perceive this as a ‘thing’? No. And as much as Source has said through me, and as many words as there have been, I have felt I could not clearly convey the experience of ‘outside the box’ to those still living in one.

The sound byte, egoic dissolution, is a phrase most spiritually-oriented human minds can latch onto so they don’t resist the truth of internal alignment as much. At this juncture, resistance is, absolutely and totally, futile. Isn’t it the best?

Others have written that pain is resistance. Others write about a ‘pain body.’ All of these concepts, including the truly brilliant ones all seem to aspire to, are only ways of self/other-identifying. An identity, in human terms, of course, is a self-image. That is all. An archetype is a way of hopping inside a mirror image and living it out. “Are” we these archetypes and/or identities? No. This is my point. This is all part of the false reality some call the matrix, others call the false self. How we name this is totally and completely unimportant. It is dissolving, regardless. It must, if true inner evolution is to occur. And, that is happening.

The entire human collective is undergoing what has been called a shamanic death. It is a death of what we see in our mirrors. Once again: This is a death of what we see in our mirrors. So is what has been called enlightenment. When the funhouse mirror collapses, we are faced with Truth.

Are the dedicated seekers now going to be offended because the ‘whole world’ is going through what they have worked so hard for? Some are, some are not. I observed as parts of me that had resisted the ‘guru’ image {and still find it silly} wanted to rise up and be offended by the observable fact that what my Source essence knows to be true, is true. Isn’t that hilarious?

It is only the ego, the reflection, that becomes offended, embarrassed, or feels shame. It is only a facet of a false self that craves being honored. It is only reflections of these programmed fixed positions that react at all to a program’s un-owned shenanigans. Is this a tough transition? Sure. The more we relax into what we are, the smoother the ride can be. There will be chop! But, we knew that coming in.

Many spiritual traditions claim that the path through all the angst is to deny both sides of the trail, to avoid the either/or {which construct does not exist in unity} and stick to the middle way. {The middle way does not exist in unity either, as it implies a form of separation.}

Denial is not detachment. Let’s not pretend. And, detachment may, indeed, be a more peaceful and calm way to navigate the planet. Use what works. But is it the truth of you? Do you still desire the goodies on the shore? Did you leave something upstream that haunts you? Is any of that real? Only you know.

What is the truth of you? How do you truly resonate? Does your life now reflect this resonance? If not, it will. This is a large framework of the trajectory alteration now occurring. Sitting in detachment and letting that happen may feel safer for some, but smoother that ride will not be. {in my best Yoda voice} Letting Source drive is not a spectator sport. If that seems like a contradiction, feel into it. Try letting yourself rest in your Source essence. Better yet, commit to it. Then let it lead. There is not only one way. There is “a way” for you. And it will keep changing. Learn to let it do so…if you so choose.

Sitting in denial {false detachment} will only allow one to feel the road in every possible way. Is that what you came in to experience? If so, hey, Gaia’s transition may have been just what you were waiting for! A bumpy ride! Whoopee! Let’s experience all that is from the perspective of an incarnation of road rash. Yippy! That experience can be fun. I like river rafting when the water is high. Do you? And, is it what you resonate with, for right now? Only your Source essence, the true Presence within you, can know. In other words, what does your heart tell you? Where does your inner light lead you?

What is waking is the truth of you. This truth is nothing to fear. It is nothing to ‘glorify’ or to worship. It simply IS. And that, I can report, is wondrous beyond imagining. Are you ready to let yourself experience what you could not imagine imagining?

Be the love that you are. Oh, and if you’re making that being into a doing, start over. Begin again. Ride the awakening waves. Let’s see where they take us as we become them entirely.

I was once told, as part of my ‘being taught’ journey, that one had to do or go through this or that or a thousand other things, to “get through the eye of the needle.” My Source essence said, “Why not simply dissolve it?” When that concept did not go over well with external Sources, I inquired within. “Why not let me make it so?” Source answered, in the form of the Great Mother. It took a few years of letting go for me to begin to comprehend the enormity of that surrender. I ultimately experienced that one only perceives the “eye of the needle” from within the confines of its false reality.

You are not imprisoned. You are not trapped within anything that is not of your own construction. This is not an exhortation to start any kind of demolition process. Any kind of dissolution is only to convince our mental processes to relax and let go.

Just walk away. Ride these waves and let yourself BE.

Enjoy the fireworks!

Bises ~


Endings and Beginnings


Today is “7-7-7” ~ What Does it Hold for You?