Today is “7-7-7” ~ What Does it Hold for You?

Could this be a numerological portal? Or is that a label we can discard? how is your configuration changing, and how might this day assist?

Seven is touted as a supremely spiritual number. 2023, if you haven’t figured it out, is a ‘7’ year. Is anything special about today that is not significant any other day? What does your heart tell you? How does it feel?

The Great Disillusionment is upon us. Every day, for those who watch the ‘news’, more and more comes to light. For those of us who no longer so indulge, information comes in on a need-to-know basis. This has always been so, and even more so at this time. If there is no need to have any piece of information, why entertain it? Why not feel into the Great Knowing that underlies all falsehoods, all delusional realities?

I was recently asked to elaborate on the concept of the Great Disillusionment. Many have called the timeframe of July-August an unmasking, initiated by the Solstice wave. Many of us have felt this since its beginning. When we move into crystalline alignment, our configuration becomes unmasked, no longer hidden in any way. We become the truth of vulnerability within the Oneness. We become a nexus of love-wisdom-power. It begins with peace and empowerment. We are more free to be what we truly are.

The first to notice this unmasking is always our ego. Egads! No clothes on the Empress! Lady Godiva’s ride, this is not. There is no noble purpose to clinging to the shreds of what we seek to keep hidden, nor is there nobility in parading around unclothed for some alleged altruistic purpose. What does that hide? What does such a display distract us from? More ego, perhaps? The part of our false self that hides behind alleged transparency?

And, what is so bad about ego? We all need an interface for the collective. The more conscious our interface, the more we flow. The more we assimilate and integrate with regard to higher frequency vibration, the more we optimize our journey. Can an egoic piece of false self be optimized? Ask it if it has any interest in this. The answers you receive may surprise you.

During this time of disillusionment, the parts of ourselves we would rather have kept hidden fly up in our faces to be acknowledged and accepted as the learning experiences they have provided to us on our journey. These learning experiences need to be released, perhaps forgiven, and their energetic content re-purposed into what we may now choose to experience in wholly new ways. Let your Source Essence choose. Always. Anything else is not fully optimal.

We are becoming so wholly ‘other’ than those old cycle life experiences, that our most deeply held terrors may rip through our bodies, attempting to make us cease and desist in our fullest evolution. Remember that fear is an attracting force. It magnetizes that which it contains, how it has been labeled, and what it has allegedly protected us from. Fear is a magnet for what is not love, what is held within us as outside of the Oneness.

Why does any of this matter on a numerologically interesting day like today? You decide. Is this numeric alignment interesting at all? Do you wish for a portal to escape through? Something/where to escape to? Or did you not notice at all that the date, which is a label, sparkles a bit with opportunity?

Could this not be said of every day and every moment? Of course. This is the point. Opportunities abound. We are so greatly assisted as Gaia is moved, and we with her, into new realms.

This is crunchy in the extreme! And yet, there are more moments than not, of a smoothness, a stillness, a sense of inner sanctuary, that is as yet unsurpassed. That is my chosen ride, in any case. How about you?

What does today hold for you? The answer is evolutionary opportunity. Today and every day. Adventures await.

Have a wonderful week! May your false self slough like crazy!


Waking Up During Transition


Labels, Prayers, and Promises