What Does Beauty Feel Like, to You?
Whatever images or feelings bubble up for you, remember that you are here to become that. You are here, not only to hold those feelings close to your heart, but to integrate and radiate them from your Heartspace.
This image is so beautiful, that, when I happened upon it, I dove right in. Aaahhh. These are well-loved frequencies, bandwidths of awareness, lightstreams with which I am joyously and abundantly coherent. Coherent enough to allow any thought of ‘self’ to dissolve therein. Coherent enough to learn from the immersion. Coherent enough to be more.
What about you? With what are you coherent, whose beauty defies description? What would you surrender into, if given the opportunity? Whatever that is, you are part of it already. Striving will avail you nothing. Allow yourself a trust fall into the Divine energies that most light you up and guide your way. From this place, this immersion, comes all true growth.
The architecture behind these emanations is breath-taking, in and of itself. Collaborative alignments from 6D structural gradients whose integration creates the miraculous. Can you see beyond the image and into the Source of its creation?
Gaia’s amplification of collaborative individuation is bringing up all sorts. What we resist not only persists, but is has things to teach us. It is not always appropriate to become every energy, though we are taught to believe this. Individuation {not individuality} is how we express, how we ladle light as a conscious being. Collaboration with Source creates stellar networks of radiance literally “beyond belief.”
Immersion does not preclude individuation, but is furthered by that state. Collaboration with Source, as Source, is not dualistic in nature. It is a correspondence, like shoulders and hips, knees and elbows. Your body will understand what your mind may not. What was a mirror becomes a more cohesive unified field.
What is not you and yours will leave you if you let it. If a tantrum-throwing child continues to resist, what is the best parenting method? It depends, does it not? The one that always works is the introduction of a new idea. {How to introduce that idea is also how we learn}. What if we employed this with our own tantrums? What do these feelings want? When we get past the childish, self-centered, entitled, defenses, what does this huge waste of energy actually want? Attention. Acceptance. Nourishing. Nurturing… in short, Love.
This little ball of selfish entitlement wants cherishing. On its steroid-fueled terms. “Little shit.” And, we, the allegedly mature one, need to educate these energies that we are not the droids they seek. That cherishing comes from within. Self-respect is a good starter. Would self-respect and inner tenderness act in this way? Of course not, no matter what ‘they’ tell you. Charged states need to be discharged, neutralized, and integrated.
Sometimes this level of discernment is called “loving from a safe distance.” This is not the same as exclusion. It is a time-out for energies inappropriate to us, so that we may cherish what we are without toxic interference.
In my many years of processing, I used to ask these types of energies if they wanted to mature and integrate into “my” field, or “go home” to Source. Their Source, whatever that might be. It was interesting to observe what parts made what choices. I learned to love them all, whether or not said choices made sense to my individuated being. Everything has its own rodeo, after all. Hint: If it doesn’t feel good to you, its ride is elsewhere.
Any good parent will tell you that you don’t love the acting-out, you love the seed-being within. “I see you,” and “this is not an effective method,” are tools we can apply within ourselves. And, of course, we can always surrender the entire to Source. It does become easier. I promise.
When we replace the acting-out habit, {whether it is we who are doing the acting, or the reflection comes from others} with surrender,
we become the change in the game.
Don’t make the religious mistake. Surrender is how we relax into the Source that we are, not someone else’s version of it, especially not what we were taught in school or other socialization detainment camps.
So, what is beautiful, just for you? Are you ready, willing, and able, to allow yourself to become it? I can highly recommend the practice. Dive right in!
May you dance into the Solstice window with game-changing feet!!
So much love,