A Deep Wave of Heartening
As a child, I was taught to “pick off the bad feelings.” So, of course, the tool-free toddler surmised that feeling deeply, especially some feelings, was a ‘bad’ thing, not to be supported. I wasn’t allowed to weep either, but that’s another story.
I learned, early, to empty out the waves of emotion that flowed through me, including ecstasy and deep joy. So, when the Zen concept of the hollow reed entered my awareness it made perfect sense to that child mind within me.
Then, I encountered another koan. “Are you the vessel or the content? I knew that Spirit flowed through me, so the answer seemed obvious. Be the open vessel. Be empty. Some loathe the emptiness. I dug it completely.
Then I met my Teacher whose almost-first personal instruction was to own my energy and my awareness. Don’t give it away or allow it to be easily accessed and used. I can’t say I was immediately successful with that. Wasn’t an open heart, empty? Wasn’t it meant to only hold love and light? Wasn’t that meant to be given freely? The truth I would later learn was to let Source decide. The Source that is unique to me, as She is to you.
So, of course, learning progressed. If my heart holds only love and light and I’m told {again, a few years later} that it needs to open… ??? To what does it need to open? And, what am I perceiving incorrectly?
A singular point of view
is a singularity of defended position
among fractals of Infinite perception.
These are the types of inner inquiry we must all pursue if we are to fully awaken. FULLY is a big word. We assign great meaning to the term. And, what is ‘fully’ in an Infinite Multiverse?
So I abandoned the either/or of vessel and contents and chose another way. If I’m honest, Source chose another way and beckoned… in strongly stated terms.
Look at the above image for a moment. Wave tubes do sometimes come together in just this way, creating a sort of heart shape, before unifying completely. This seems, to the being I AM now, to be how duality functions within Unity. It moves in equal and seemingly opposite waves, each coming from what appears to be a different source. {Different Sources do exist here…} These waves come together, impulsed by Source. THE Source. You know the One.
The solstice Tsunami has begun, hoovering up everything, sieving and sorting content into its massive wave. What will we hold onto, resisting its pull? What does that truly serve? Does it serve the lighthouse we’ve become? Or is that structure up for alteration? Why not let the Source that flows within you, as you, decide. YOU DO KNOW. And it is time for that long-awaited homecoming.