What is Blowing Up?
Besides all old cycle systems? Threads of victim bonding. Victim bonding through the ‘misery loves company’ algorithm, where our patterns put us in the victim seat and tell us this makes us more palatable to humanity, and the habits of behavior those patterns unconsciously create through an inner drip system. These strands of false self have many inner voices: “You make me feel ___ way!” or ‘No one understands what you’re talking about! Why can’t you just be normal?” and infinite variations on projected screams. Funny, when I recently, very calmly, and in all earnestness, asked what ‘normal’ might be, the answer was “You know. You know!” I did not. What is ’normal’ to one set of programs, whose voices were in a deafening crescendo, is something else to other lenses of perception. But, you know all this. It’s time to shift our focus.
The past two days shook us up, whether we have been aware of the shattering and splattering or not. Yesterday is named, in one religious calendar, as the Assumption of Mary. I have always found that day-name both trying and amusing, due to my given name being Mary. All childhood memories of lambs, cockle shells, and maids in a row. aside, I do tend to experience the ‘assume’ roots of the assumption word. What is an assumption? Does it mean one thing in our dictionaries and another when used to herd us into a belief system? These not-so-subtle manipulations are literally coming to light. What does your heart tell you?
Language fascinates me. If one ‘assumes’ that a thing is a thing or a Mary is a Mary, then one does oneself and others the disservice of making an ass out of all of the above. No insult meant to all things ‘burro.’ Cute critters! And, when the day came, meaning yesterday, the good news was that I forgot all about it. Yay! I remembered when I asked, in meditation this morning, what this latest morph was all about.
Whose/what constructs, definitions, and projections still act through you? Are any worth the buy-in?
Recognition is not enough. The next steps, meaning choosing accepted vibrational input differently, are key. We need to make new choices, commit to new as-yet-unknown trajectories, and let go at every level, even those that do not seem likely or possible.
This latest shakeup has created gaps in the canopy of consciousness, enabling more recognition, clarity, and room to breathe through the changes. Available light presents opportunities to integrate what used to seem like rarefied frequencies. Not so rare anymore! Why not hop in, point your feet in the direction of the greatest flow density, and let your Source essence do the lifting and carrying? Enough with the old stories! Sheesh! Syndication seems to be a global preference, but that is only ignorance acting out. Hey, Starstreams, let’s have some fun! We know this navigational pull. Let’s play!
Someone repeated Source’s words to me the other day, ending with ‘blah blah blah.’ Hmm. When we hear Source as ‘blah blah blah’ we’re not using our Hathor ears. I highly recommend them, especially when the fear monster tries to have its way with us.
What need not be a news bulletin:
- the old life is over and done with
- the new experience will not resemble the old
- nothing will be the same, ever again in this life
Let’s look to the NOW and let it shape what seems to be our future. Old destinies are done. What is possible NOW?
We are ready. Most parts of us are even willing. Able is a given.
We are shaken up so that we can experience flight and freedom.
NOW, of course, is an acronym for Nurture the Oneness Within. How? Let’s find out. Cellular level regeneration is happening, whether we will or no. Let’s get the party started by saying “YES!”
image from the Charles Schultz museum collection