What is Your Pivot?
This month is a re-set or pivot point. The energies are set up for it. So, let’s begin.
First of many baby steps: what wants completion?
For me, it is the lifetime role of ‘spiritual teacher.’ I can’t tell you how relieving it is to drop the role, stage-sets, costumes, and especially any attempt at the damnably ‘perfect’ Buddha hairstyle and demeanor. Weighty thing, that…not that my hair has ever been in compliance…with anything. And here’s me thinking, all these years, that it’s more fun to hang out with trees…beastie companions of all kinds…nature. From the point of view of the threads i am now galactically integrating, this makes the kind of aligned sense that makes one want to curl up in the starlight and just… steep.
Light knows what it is doing. We don’t have to know. So, perhaps one of your present pivots is away from an addiction to ‘knowing?’ Could be. Who knows? {I’m hearing Tony’s Something’s Coming, from West Side Story here…} Have a listen!
I was chatting with a friend about having made the shift into Unity Consciousness, the Unified Field, or whatever nomenclature you prefer, and how it makes contact with ‘fear world’ both easier, in that it doesn’t exist in any kind of true “Presence” moment, and more difficult, in that those energies have become largely intolerable. Here’s the big secret about that. If it doesn’t feel good, do. not. engage. Sorry, no pooh-pooh monsters or but-but birds will be considered for entry. Full stop.
I also find that my current currents of Presence tend to include what we might call a week or a fortnight or even a lunar cycle ahead of earth-space-time as defined by bipedal standards. In other words, we can feel as though we’ve moved out of ‘their’ time. We have. This is all in preparation for multi-dimensional being.
So, how does your pivot, and we are all going through a massive one(s), resonate with this?
This is a week to clean house! Sit in meditation and let what needs to shift bubble up. Let it go. If there are follow-through action steps they will present themselves at the appropriate moment. For example, there is a shelf in my little closet that has its hand up to be sorted. It is, already, after a fashion. And, there is curating to be done. Once begun, the steps will take roughly 20 minutes, earth-time. I thought, earlier on, that I would make a start today. Now it seems not… or perhaps later. The exact moment, is, however, hovering in the wings. don’t you love that expression? Hiding in the folds of Her garment. How wonderfully and blissfully appropriate.
At this point in the incarnation, I ‘have’ only what I love and use. Some of that is seasonal, some functional on a day to day basis, but nothing is superfluous… or so my knowing runs. I can’t wait to see what She says is no longer supportive of my stay on this planet and what releasing those things makes room for, so that what is new arrives in optimal timing. Have you ever thought of your belief systems and thought forms this way?
It’s fun to live this way! Yes, I even did this when I had a house…etc. etc. When She indicates something is up for release, and I say, “But I really really love that,” Her invariable response is, “But does it really really support your Presence in the Present?” Letting go of the attachment sometimes means that whatever-it-is gets to stay. Often not, but cleaning house is never about the things, it is about the energies we take on, carry, or put up with. Have you ever noticed that the expression “whatever it is,” could be translated as “whatever-‘itis’?” An inflammation of ‘whatever?’ What if an inclination toward an inflammatory response could be released? How does that feel to your bodies?
This month we step into a new era. I’ve been waiting for you! The waters are lovely. We are all being shown from what we have hidden, and asked to be open to the possibilities that are opening for us all.
What is your pivot point? I’ll keep asking. And, it will likely keep shifting. Bon courage, glowing ones!
You can plan, you can pivot, or you may learn to pirouette!
Pivoting on a ‘dime,’ is a valued skill in many star systems and dimensions. Like anything, the alignment takes practice and commitment.
It makes me almost giddily happy to see you light (en) up!
Infinite pivoting love,