I D/Won’t Live in ‘Fear World’
Does even this image look a little too…. controlled?
What parts of the feeding frenzy do you still support? It’s probably time to re-focus, from the heart.
I’m noticing, more and more, and participating less and less, in the vagaries of broadcast fear. So many live in ‘fear world.’ Even capitalizing the title gives it too much credence. The vibe on most posts having to do with world conditions is laced with nasty, no matter how well intended the proffered information might be. When I can feel the fear, I don’t imbibe. At the moment that can seem to mean fewer and fewer options. Or, does it?
How is your mind hooked into the world’s point of view? Which world? In what ways?
While chatting with a friend, yesterday, I listened as she regaled me with “not living in that world” yet having to interact with it, due to immanent travel logistics. Horrendous. Her body can no longer tolerate, much less support, what is happening in ‘their world.’ Many of us commiserate about when travel used to be fun. For the moment, that world appears to be unavailable, or even over. We really do have to get the teleporting thing up and running. Let them regulate that!
Like me, my friend does not live in ‘fear world.’ This dimensional divergence makes certain things in life difficult, or can do, or appears to do so. How it feels is an indicator of how we’ve bought in. What do we think we have to do, or even want to do, where that line of reasoning has become unsustainable? The Great Mother is all about sustainability, right? Life. Support. in its most basic and all-encompassing aspects.
Truths you will need: {instead of ‘things’}:
Convenience is basically a bygone era.
What conveniences might exist are not to be taken for granted…which is likely the point of the exercise, from a cosmic point of view.
Learn to take care of yourself and your requirements, simply, and with Grace.
Your needs are simple, and Source provides them all. Will you let Her?
When something becomes unavailable, find another way. Know that there is always ‘a way.’
If the market does not have the droids you are looking for, find some new ones. Or, let ‘the plan’ fall apart and seek life elsewhere.
Change your ideas of how things need to happen. Stop projecting specific outcomes and open to possibilities.
What is there to discover, here? What might be better than anything, ever?
Wealth is a perspective, whose embrace requires trust.
There will always be something organic, locally. Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to find same and quit whingeing about what you thought you wanted that isn’t packaged and ready, five minutes away.
Fresh, seasonal, and local is always better. I have yet to find an exception to this. {What the shoppe carries, does not qualify}
Self-reliance used to mean knowing how to do everything oneself. While that alignment has been somewhat functional in the past, and its skill-set is useful, it will not work going forward. Shared. Resources. dissolve the boundaries of have/have not, in the best possible ways. We will need to assist one another, from the heart. Have you cultivated those skills?
It may be time to go spelunking for where fear dictates choice. Let the dubious meet its demise.
Neither isolation nor crowd control equal safety, in any way, shape, or form.
We will need to rely on the heart, rather than on money. {not that it does not grease the dilapidated engines of the old order} The medium of exchange is changing. What currency will we truly require? {lollipops and rainbows are unlikely}
Are we so attached to being controlled that we will sell our hearts into compliance?
Feel into that one…and look at the choices you’ve made.
Celebrate where your heart is free!
Source is always available. Her guidance is infallible. How well do you trust your inner knowing?
“Starve the Scary, Feed the Fun” ~ Pam Gregory
Laughter has always been among the very, very best medicines. Lightening up has never frightened a horse…only the very stuck bipeds.
Much love,