What Towers Have Come Down?

With the full moon fresh on our heels, and while we are in its waning window, let’s take a look at what has dissolved. What has come apart for you, personally, and what has been blown apart before your eyes? Self-image is a dicey thing, at best. What if this passage of a lunar year leads to somewhere so new, so unknown, so entirely unscripted, that you will look into life’s mirrors and see… nothing? Or, perhaps, they might reflect something you might never have expected to see…about yourself.

What if this passage leads to an end of sacrifice, of the glorification of suffering, and the obligations of subjugation?

How has collaboration become synonymous with compromise and self-sacrifice? Suffering has long been equated with a path to elevated states of being, to success… what if this is incorrect and always has been so? What if subjugation is the true result of abdication of choice out of fear? Fear of consequences rules us when we believe in an aftermath that has no reality in our present moment. Is there a tiger in the room right now? Is ‘so-and-so’ angry enough to fire you from your job right now? Is someone or some thing attacking you right now? If so, your inner being knows what you need to do. If not, no such knowing is needed at this time. If your inner being did need to act, would you have let it? Would you have let your Source Essence take over completely? Do you still harbor beliefs that fear, obligation, and guilt are more important, carry more weight, than your light?

What if these endings, these beliefs crashing down, have lived and had their being in a Tower called “Service?”

What do we do in the name of service? Service-to-self versus service-to-others is the favorite dualistic dead drop of systems fed by fear. Which end of the puzzle will you pick? Ah-ha! You’re back in the game. You’ve chosen to struggle with the Chinese puzzle that tightens around your fingers the more you struggle to become free.

Even the ‘way out’ of “Service to Source” has become encumbered by too many definitions of “Source,” and what the rule book of that type of service entails. {What if there isn’t one?}

So, what is service to and as the Oneness? What is the Oneness, from your Source Essence’s perspective? These are only a hand-full of the dissolving definitions shifting the passage through which we travel. So, what Towers, {identities} have dissolved for you? You may well know. You may be confused. In any case, the way out is always to go deeper. “I’d like to fix this,” becomes “I am no longer this…” which then finds its ultimate resolution in, “I AM THAT…” {whew!}

You are love. You are not any of the towers you have identified with, no matter how beloved they may have become.

Source put it to me this way, “ You can keep being a lighthouse. Or, you can BE the light.”

Light is the intelligence quotient of Divine Love. It is intelligence itself. Light always knows how to move, thrive, and Be. Do we?

In a year whose energy signature is nurturing, toward what definition of service do you lean? Why? Are you ready for alignment, rather than any kind of mandate to ‘lean in?’

How do you love to ladle light? How much more can your Source Essence ladle through you, as you?

How well are you caring for the temple that is your physical-emotional-mental body alignment? Don’t let shame stop you from letting your Essence change your ways.

Happy Self-Honoring Celebration!
{you can keep the Hallmark holiday, if it speaks to you}

Infinite Love,


When Love Claims Her Own


Imbolc and a Sapphire Moon