When Love Claims Her Own

We are in a passage of Sacred Love. If you find that idea off-putting, I freely admit that, many years ago, I might have as well. My reasons for choosing to mentally trash this concept, while attempting to bully my ego into submission, were as silly then, as yours are now. Most people spend a lifetime looking for who they are. I have spent this life, and others, in the process of dissolving all egoic identities. There’s an identification! Gotcha! Acknowledge. Accept. Release. It never ceases to amaze me how many identifications there are, how deeply embedded the small self can become. And, having one or more of these little selves is not now, and never has been, a problem. It is a functional interface so that each of us can learn what we came here to learn, in the way we came to learn it.

What I am referring to as the small self, is simply what/how we self-identify in any situation, circumstance, lifetime, or as part of any path. The lyrics of The Sound of Music play, “Me, a name I call myself.” It’s fun to claim that “me.” It’s part of what we came here to be. That “me” is not something we must wrestle into submission. Trust “me,” I tried. Silly rabbit. The truth is, that the “me” of each of us holds every key we need to become the Oneness we really are. With what do we identify? What do we resist? From what do we run? Huge key there, if you have ears to hear. Do you? Are your Hathor ears online?

All paths lead us home. Each path forms beneath our feet, according to our choices and our resonance.

I assist Source, ladle my light if you will, by allowing the Eternal Unified Heart to guide, without any agenda or interference on my part. This is a choice I make every day. And, this choice has become a non-doing, in that Source does what is needed, through my presence in any circumstance. What happens, happens, as it needs to do. I rejoice at what Source can accomplish, and move on.

If you think it was easy for me, burning through identify after identity, well…it was incredibly challenging, actually. I was born with awareness and understandings I would bury in order to learn about how things are, here. Then, I learned to shed all of that. I learned, and am learning still, compassion for paths whose agendas I do not understand. The same is true for you. You have within you all that you need in order to rest within the Oneness, even as you live the life you have chosen to live. This is a tough training ground. All paths have been honored and exist simultaneously on what appears to us to be one planet. That this is changing, as Gaia makes new choices, is yet to be grokked by ‘the many.’

There are worlds and mystery schools where transcendence and integration are much more supported than here. Is that still a fact? How does this new passage feel to you?

Most people never learn that their experience of life is formed by the projections of their subconscious. Most have no intention of ever learning this, in this life. It took me decades to develop compassion for, and clarity around, why anyone would choose this kind of limitation. I had to learn to surrender into seeing through Source’s eyes, no matter what. Large words, those, “no matter what.” Taking responsibility for truth, regardless of what presents as circumstance or fact, is the path of the initiates of ages past. Do you long for those lives? Are you willing to see that those paths are available now? Renunciates need not apply. Here, we learn by immersion. And, within that immersion we call life, we can choose immersion as love’s light. Yes, this choice requires being “in the world but not of it.” Sometimes even “in the world” is too much, and we need to rest and rejuvenate. I find this supremely true at the moment. And, as the supposedly outer world fades, inner worlds of love’s learning take its place. This is the inner compassion and love required to BE.

We are passing into love’s maturity, entered as a child, through the Eternal Heart of the Great Mother. {who is non-gendered}

Many years ago I was inwardly ‘claimed’ by what I then perceived as the Goddess, Isis. “You who are mine,” resonated through my entire field. My mind was both curious and in resistance. “I am my own being, thanks,” I thought, even as my body relaxed, tears of recognition streamed down my cheeks and every part of me reverberated with deep knowing. Home. This was home. The eternal unified heart was home. How did I know that? True Being is not the doing of non-doing. Our minds love this bit. “I’ll just ‘be’ now.” That thought, that impulse, is doing. So, what would your light, the love you are, choose to do with the impulse to BE?

Our bodies and awareness are our temples. Our lives holds our initiations. These are unavoidable truths. You live yours, as I do ‘mine.’ What if we were to let go and let Love live through us? I can report it is a wondrous ride.

This time is such a passage. May you allow it to carry you warmly and well.

You are so very loved! You are Source’s love. Are you willing to accept and acknowledge that, even as you live immersed in reflected projection? If so, we might have something to talk about. Are you ready to be claimed by Love, Herself?


Allowing Wholeness


What Towers Have Come Down?