What We Deny, When We Need it Most

SHE’s been playing with this title for a couple of days now. One version was The Optimal Surfing of Stillness. We’ll get there. But, first, in this window of Everyone’s Every Kind of Karma Up in Our Face, it’s good to take a breath or three and Calm. {TF} Down.

What we need most is what we most often deny ourselves. Why? We set things up that way to learn about what we are from attempting to be what we’re not.

All self-denial is birthed from our original imprint {original separation from Source} carried through in our causal bodies {the structures that come with us from incarnation to incarnation} and re-interpreted into every incarnation as some kind of separation fear/anxiety, which then turns into pathological denial and acting out. When we choose a Source-driven life or Enlightenment, in rare cases, the next steps are the dismantling of all that jazz and releasing ourselves into the Oneness, from which we will be called forth in our true natures. The mechanisms we’ve used to manifest this design are extraordinary in their complexities… and quite simple at their root. One root. One cause. That of feeling separate from Source. An impossibility we’ve chosen to manifest. And you thought pushing a boulder uphill was a challenge!

Have you ever met a four-legged, or finned or winged one who felt separate from Source? No, you haven’t. They don’t exist. So what’’s up with the biped collective? We push away what we most need to become because our deepest pathologies fear their demise. As Richard Bach once wrote, “…no one wants the lights turned on early.” ~ from Illusions, the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

Our programs tell us they are keeping us safe from further harm. The thought patterns often run this way: “I don’t want to make that mistake so I’m going to avoid all situations where I might make that mistake and not go there until I’ve perfected whateveritis.” We’re all idiots in this regard. We’re all learning. This behavior is not only non-optimal it’s… well… stupid.

Gaia will no longer support endless side trips, eddies, and tangential variations on your screams. Versions of those realities will exist for those who insist upon them, but Gaia is focused on bandwidths of higher frequency. Aren’t you? Isn’t that what you dream about? There are portals for stepping into them in every moment if we will only surrender into Her vision and See.

To put it bluntly, we deny Source when and how we need Her the most.

This means something different to each one of us, in different moments in time and in all of our parallel realities. We have the opportunity, particularly during this month with its purgatorial astrological threshing floor events, to choose and manifest according to what resonates rather than according to what we want to push away.

Hints: If something feels embarrassing, that’s your ego. If you feel ashamed, helpless, despairing, and as though everything is futile, welcome to the collective threshing floor. Acknowledge, accept how you may have been hooked in, release, and move on. You don’t have to play, but you may need to make that crossing {cross that field unscathed}.

Moving on is KEY right now. Don’t get stuck fearing the ramifications of baboon bum, your asininity waving in the breeze for all to see, because, hey, it’s been there all along. No one cares. They’re all too busy covering their own ballooning bums. It’s what egos do. Personalities are built around the CYA algorithm. All of them, bar none. {Saviour and Saint are among the most prominent in this regard.}

We look at Source {and we’ve all done this} and declare “You don’t see me, you’re looking at how I used to be, or at your projections, and not at ME…” Whoa, there! Where’s a mirror when you need one? When something is vibrating away covertly, in denial, it is STILL THERE no matter how much we might want to deny it.

Speaking as a Seer now, I am persuaded to mention how ludicrous is this argument. Whenever we feel this way, the TRUTH is that we are refusing to see how aspects of ourselves are acting out…and keep holding up a glamour for how we want to be seen. This mechanism is totally, completely, and undeniably transparent to Source, and, further truth be told, to anyone with a fair amount of transparency themselves, and anyone who can truly see. You know how your pets roll their eyes at you? “Why are you playing that game?” is what they’re usually thinking. It’s only a waste of energy, entertaining though it can be. Pass the popcorn.

As more and more comes to light, and it is and it will, take heart. Literally. Ask to be held in Her Heart and lose your the addiction to the human broadcast. You know how it has you hooked, by what upsets you {worries you, panics you, depresses you or triggers you in any way}. There is more happening than what you allow yourself to perceive.

The Global Lesson for the coming week(s) is that of navigating the Unknown and Trusting. No matter what. Full. Bloody. Stop. It’s been coming for some time now. This is the big game, kids! Suit up! And hold that line. You know the one. It lives inside you, ever-flowing within Her currents and Her seas.

There is no ‘other side’ of this crossing. There are Infinite Possibilities about to unfold.

Roshini used to show me the portals the deer disappeared through in the woods. She badly wanted to follow, but the Flexi-lead was a hindrance. I asked her about it, telling her I’d miss her if she went reality-hopping all on her own. She replied, “Oh I’ll come back for you if it’s a cool place!”

What are you so attached to that you’d give anything for it? This, too, must be let go.

Welcome to the activated freedom codes of what is yet to come.

Blessings for your crossings,

… I saw the greatest T-shirt at the market last week. It reads, ”Be a good neighbor, stay over there.” For those who may not know, this is a parody of the State Farm Insurance slogan… and insurance is always meant to protect us from something, yes? ;) Can it protect us from ourselves? Be aware, and don’t go there. xo


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