Trinity ~ A Cellular Recalibration

The concept of Trinity, evokes specific meanings for each of us. In order for us to become fully empowered, every one of these must be released. Every. One. Father-mother-child, the Holy Trinitys of every tradition, you name it, the concept needs to dissolve if you want to understand the energy dynamics of manifesting.

The Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, and their Goddess aspects, Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati, are part of what is called the Eternal Way {Sañatana Dharma}, one of the world’s most ancient spiritual traditions. The esoteric truth of the Eternal Way is that all aspects, particularly as a power of three, are aspects of Unity. But what does that mean and how does it assist us in creating and manifesting in the physical world?

One of the most mystifying things about this world is how indoctrinated humans are into the Fear of Creating. Unworthy. Undeserving. I’ll get myself into trouble… and, therefore, do so. These are genetic disempowerment plug-ins that cannot be wished away or overpowered with positive thinking. They must be altered, morphed in place, by the light within.


Your beliefs must be surrendered, for mastery of manifesting to occur.

This can be accomplished in many ways, the Trinity frequencies among the most efficient. Learning to intend, allow, recognize and receive your available upgrades in light coding, and to let them do what they do best, are the fundamentals of high magick.

I was taught as a child, “of myself I can do nothing, the Father doeth the work.” Meaning that God, or as we know it, the God program, runs everything and we have no options or choices. Every good lie is based on a fundamental truth. Source is the doer, not our egoic selves. So, how then, do we learn that we are power, that we are light, that we are creators of our experience of reality? We don’t, under that system. Never going to happen. So what will assist us?

First, the basics. To be a master manifestrix/tor, you need to be fully empowered. What does that mean? The ego thinks it means speaking its truth, getting what it wants. Not so. And, when it hears that, it pouts and huffs off. So, again, to wield mastery in manifesting you need to be fully empowered. What if that meant fully aligned {or as much as possible} in Source, as the Source that you are?

So, where do you begin? Learning to work with your light coding, through the use of symbols, sigils and visualizations, gives your mind something to chew on while Source does the work. AND, releasing guilt, shame, and blame, hastens the process. If you’re the one responsible for your current situation, these low-vibe states of mind are useless distractions, yes?

You start with pure intention. There is an art to so beginning. Then, allowing and assimilating your intent {not casual wishes… they won’t fly… no juice} and, finally, recognizing and receiving your ability to focus your intent in a specific way and into specific forms. You do this fully empowered, as you let go and let Source deal with the details.

Can you do this on your own? Well…as nothing is ever on one’s own, and your guidance will certainly assist you…sure. Bon chance! You may have great success, you may faceplant spectacularly. Likely a bit of both. It will be a bit hit or miss as you learn. Everything is.

If you have assistance with the deeper understandings of these currents {so much more powerful than concepts} you can, potentially, make quicker progress. Ever try to learn to play a musical instrument without taking a lesson? You’ll get the hang of it eventually. And, maybe when you do get around to taking lessons, your instructor will tell you your technique has to be re-built from scratch. Or not. Learning to play your body, life, and mind is exactly like this. You’ve been playing your incarnational-instrument all your life, and maybe you’re happy with those jams.

If you’d like a more refined experience of composing and creating, perhaps working with your light coding from the inside out will be useful. If so, the self-paced Trinity course is here for you.

The understanding that energies moving in threes quickly manifest intentions, is critical to creating new realities. As Gaia moves into new alignments, we can use this understanding to move into a new experience of living in this world…yet not of it.

Optimal implementation is key. Are you up for some optimizing? In a self-paced course, no one is watching. No one will see your doubts, your fears, or your faceplants. No one but Source, and SHE is here to help you.

Even if a course like this is not for you at this time, consider the building blocks of light as your allies. Ask for their assistance and observe what you learn.

The energies will continue to amp over the coming four years. Who knows, after that? We will be living in very different worlds. Worlds built from light… perhaps more consciously than ever before.

Blessings of accelerated manifesting to you all,

First published December 22, 2020.


Frequency Re-Sets


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