What We're Going Through ~ The Re-Mix
Street Smarts for StarStreams
I’ve written on this topic before. Some of HER voices within me might feel a bit weary of repeating the “It’s tough out there” message, and I am more than well aware that many of your ears and antennae are more than weary of hearing about it. Let’s cut to the chase… mostly because there is time for little else.
So, you want the quick fix? You want the miraculous solution? Both? All three? What do you want that you don’t believe you have and why are you allowing those belief systems to win? The answer to all of that is in how you have been conditioned, and that focus needs to end.
Now, before you beat yourself up, STOP. Breathe. Drop in. Yes, this is different than all that striving and yearning and learning business. What if you let go and dropped. right. in?
The collective angst is deafening. Even to me. That disappoints or depresses some of you, because you have unrealistic expectations of enlightenment. I get it. Trust me, I’ve had them all. Enlightenment is not palliative in nature. Its’ peace and bliss, however, do tend to persist, even in the direst of circumstances.
So, upon awakening at half past four this morning, feeling as though I’d been rolled by a bulldozer or a rhino, take your pick… or maybe both, taking turns… I felt into the howl of angst and outrage i my body, into the pounding headaches. And, I let go.
Letting go drops us like a stone into HER pool. It is a skill worth having. If you still think of letting go as scraping off the aspects of self and others you don’t want, think again. Letting go is not hitting the ejector seat button on a speeding jet. It is releasing any and all holds on what you are experiencing and dropping right through.
Your ego will quail, flail, and generally make a mess of things if you let it. Give the ego a “there, there…” kind of soothing moment, and let go. Stop holding on… to anything. You will drop right in, to what you want to escape… and out the other side. Remember Hermione and the Devil’s Snare? She understood. Stop struggling. Stop fighting it. Relax. You’ll drop right through. And, hey, if you need the pain meds, grab ‘em! Try this first, though.
What was present, this morning, as I plummeted, {not far at all, mind} was a soft, comforting, white light. No pain. The eye of the hurricane. The still-point between the churning worlds. {The actual quote is “turning” but for now…} Safe. Smiling. Hiding from the surface turbulence, deep within HER embrace.
Hey, try it. And, then, try it some more…until this letting go becomes second nature…then normal. Ask to be shown what you need to see. Stop resisting seeing it. Drop through. What you will find is the stillness and sanctuary that exists within you.
Oh, and in the meanwhile:
Street Smarts for Starstreams:
1) Your awareness moves faster than others. Work on cultivating patience and compassion, rather than frustration and condescension. Use this skill to be aware of your surroundings. Let HER navigate you out/away from what is inappropriate for you.
Oh, and P.S. ~ If you are arguing for your limitations now, you really do get to keep them, not to worry.
2) Don’t get stuck. This applies to many arenas of life, your internal mental patterns included.
An example: A friend mentioned going to her son’s school thingie, and having a person sit down beside her whose energy felt toxic. She buttoned up her boundaries, beefed up her shields…My question: Why didn’t you move? Bad situation? Beat feet!
Solution: Be aware of your surroundings. Let your intuition tell you how to position yourself, so that you will be minimally impacted by energies that are inappropriate for you. This applies to thought patterns as well. If you can’t seem to shake one, PUT YOUR MIND ON SOMETHING ELSE. Work is great for this. So are favorite stories… no, not that kind. ;)
Bottom line? If you feel stuck, MOVE!! Anything else is martyrdom. And THAT cycle is only harmful to you and is shredding at love-speed.
3) Watch your inputs: This means food {clean and fresh as much as possible} water, thoughts, and THE SCREENS. Yeah, those addictions. They are so very “up” right now.
Solution: Replace anything unhealthy with something healthy. Take baby steps. Keep stepping up. Or, grab those wings and take off! Faster, but, for some, a bit like ripping off the bandage. You choose.
4) The Bonus Point: What you require, for health and safety, will CHANGE… radically and without notice. Don’t make rules. Let HER show you.
Pay attention to the inner voice! SHE will not only guide you and get you “through,” SHE IS THE WAY…”the truth, and the light…” as the saying goes.
It is not weak to rest in HER. It is not incompetent to not know how/what to do/be right now.
Let yourself go. Let the internal judgement chatter go. Let yourself drop through. Farther out, and further in. HER take on “as above, so below,” without an hierarchical gestalt. Coolness!
Re-member you’ve done this all before…and this round equals a new way of mastery.
Love to you all,