When your Stress-Self Reacts, your Source-Self can still Respond ~
Your Source-Self still resonates…even in that moment when you wish you could either take back the whole thing, or wish you could have pushed ahead, right into the kill zone. Your Source-Self still resonates within you.
Find the Light. Find the Stillness. Find the Love. Find anything that will bring you into alignment with who you truly are.
If, in the moment, you honestly don’t know, don’t give up! Surrender instead. Let HER show you, teach you, tell you. Show is always optimal, but sometimes we can’t see.
Whether we realize it or not, Source is always with us, always giving us what we need. We are so very blessed. Our job, and we have little choice but to accept the mission, is to do the work to uncover the blessing that we are. This is most often called shadow work, and generally thought to be unpleasant at best. I have always found it fun! And, I can report, doing the inner work is absolutely, positively, unconditionally, WORTH IT!!!
So, you’re triggered. Welcome to planet earth! Take a deep breath, or a few, and ask inwardly, why your Stress-Self is in reactivity. Is this allegedly a well-known and well-trodden trigger? If you think so, ask again. Nothing is as it seems just now.
What are you feeling, underneath the thoughts and emotions of the moment, that you are truly afraid to face? What is your Stress-Self trying to protect you from facing? Your Source-Self knows. Don’t pretend s/he doesn’t. In order to do the inner work, that game has to end.
If your Source-Self were to respond in this situation, what would that look and feel like? Allowing yourself to be shown is easier than your Stress-Self wants you to believe. Every. Time.
For example, the egoic part of me is totally, bloody DONE with being taken for granted, accused of crimes it has not committed, blamed, used as a resource and binned, and attacked without provocation, whether the attacker felt provoked or not. TOTALLY. BLOODY. DONE. Okay, there’s the Stress-Self.
The Source-Self heaves a sigh and shows me…”The attacker or accuser or who/whatever… is acting out, out of their Stress-Self. Appropriate action = Compassion.”
“Yes, I know, and with HER compassion flowing through me, did I mention being TOTALLY BLOODY DONE…?” Source sighs and tries again. “You might be done with all that acting out, but others clearly are not. They are failing to see the mirror and are projecting. You’ve never done that, right?”
“Are you ready to look at the how/why?”
I learned early on not to argue with that one. Trust me on this. Psychic torture is no fun, and we almost always do it to ourselves, no matter what we might think or how we might deny it.
So, when the Stress-Selves of others have triggered your Stress-Self, how to deal?
STOP. Breathe. Let HER do the doing. Oh, it is possible to ask that SHE “do unto others…” And, whilst your ego is maniacally grinning at the concept of revenge, remember that what goes around comes around… times three.
So, perhaps your Stress-Self is all up for a battle times three? Karma will bring it on. You don’t have to even enter the game board. Your Stress-Self is already there, fully armed, with bells on.
~ OR ~
You could choose, decide and commit to another game entirely. It goes a little like this… “Forgive them for they haven’t got a clue.” At least it will make you laugh, and humor is a good beginning.
Then, as you follow your own guidance as to what will raise your vibration, lift you up, and align you with your Source Self, remember that, when in your ego, neither do you, have any kind of clue.
Forgiveness frees you. It lets your Source-Self take over. So, start with forgiving yourself for however you got into whatever mess you think you’re in. Let HER move you onto another game board. The price of freedom is the release of how you wanted things to go, how you want to be perceived, and any other un-surrendered agendas your little noggin is holding onto… or any of your bodies. An incredible deal, if SHE does say so HERself.
What do you have to lose? Only the pain you’re in.
Hang in there, but don’t hang on…
Love is what fuels everything. Maybe the most loving thing you can do is to let go?
~ Namaste ~