Let the Shift Hit the Fan
Most transformations are first felt, and by the time the mind catches up, we often lose the wonder.
What if we began each day with the wonder of life? The wonder of nature’s wisdom? The wonder of our own threads within its weave?
Moonlight through maples, a new day dawns.
First signs of waning on the cusp of a perigee moon.
Sparkling bright through branches preparing for the heat blast of another day.
Stealthy fox makes her morning rounds,
avoiding mama coyote when trails cross and mingle.
Self-seeded trees
finding room, sharing resources
for their stretch toward the light.
Quickly rising hot air balloon…
its colors vibrant against pale blue skies.
Basket full of humans vying for a bird’s eye view.
If only all ‘hot air’ rose so quickly, out of time and mind.
Dawn flocks of geese have recently passed overhead
on their morning journey toward the rising sun.
In aligned formation, their paths vary day by day,
their flight home at dusk last night scattered and confused.
Disrupted patterns, perhaps speaking of things to come.
Odd that, a melee of beings whose collaboration approaches perfection.
Did the perigee moon rise pull more than its own weight in reflected light?
Red tail hawk and golden eagle await the day’s thermals.
One can feel them, preening, readying for flight.
Dawn's symphony almost finished, almost done.
Another completion, another round of sun and moon and starlight and living.
What will today’s stillness bring?
And will it remain through the flocks’ return and cows coming home?
How blessed to greet another day.
Slow. Down.
When mind tries to wrest the wheel from your careful navigation, there is no need to apply the brakes. Only breathe and let go. Let go of the impulse to control and to plan. There will always be ‘things to do.’ Nature’s superbly conducted symphony is vastly more intricate than your little life. Yet, she knows what to do.
The Great Remembering has begun. Welling up from the depths of all dimensions, its wisdom feeds, nourishes, and permeates the All. These waves, great seas on the move, changing face and foundation of all that is. What could possibly stand in their way? Perhaps this momentous play, this miraculous shift, was a reason to stay.
The shift has hit the fan. Let it blow you away.
~ bises ~