Labels, Prayers, and Promises

Pardon the massacre of John Denver’s song title. It showed up and wouldn’t leave. The muses act that way when they want to make a point. What are we listening to these days? Have we learned to listen to the stillness within? Kinda sorta?

I spoke to someone yesterday who was {still} looking for a true partner, a soulmate {you really don’t want one of those right now}, a twin flame… basically, she is lonely and wants to remedy empty bed syndrome. Fair enough. We can all use a good cuddle from time to time. These bodies crave loving touch, and it can arrive in many ways. That can take decades to figure out. Four-leggeds are masters at this. Humans are not designed to be solitary… and yet… you are a Starstream, are you not? How are you designed to live, when you are in an authentic field?

So here is some truth for all of that. What does it have to do with the title? Read on.

The ‘other’ we yearn for, and that is a real heart yearning, lives in our own Divinity. We can find friends to share our path, yes. That is part of the fun of this world, finding friends in the dark. This is why the so-called peerage has crests. Early on, their mystical roots told them it was going to get extremely foggy here, and they would need to be able to recognize one another. Thus, crests and shields, to keep those less worthy at bay. LOL The friends we seek do tend to turn into ‘fiends’ but, hey, what is life without a few good lessons?

When we label something we want as outside of ourselves, we set ourselves up for lack. {symbol crash}

When we do not own our deepest feelings, we embody them in their skewed form, and they come out sideways. Look in the mirror!

When we merge our field with someone else’s {this includes, but is not limited to, merging bodies and body parts}, we no longer inhabit an authentic field. Nor does anyone who insists that merging fields with them will elevate our consciousness. Nor do we inhabit the unified field. What we inhabit is enmeshment. This might be well and good, as long as it is conscious.

Is consciousness a label? Certainly. It is a word. What is meant, here, is that the time has come, friends and fiends alike, to become more aware of what is in our fields, what we truly embody, and where those frequencies want to live.

The higher octaves have arrived, are arriving. As cool as I feel that is, you may not. If you do, then choose that., over and over and over, resting in those octaves, in that stillness, until you gain facility within its embrace. You will, of course, have to drop the drama, the incessant mind chatter, and any addictions to same. It’s not a huge sacrifice. Trust me on this.

Praying “to” anything does not raise vibration. It encourages lack.

Making promises to a Source outside oneself, or even our own Source essence, implies a separation that does not exist.

When will we stop labeling, praying to, and promising or being promised by, some form of external Divinity? Maybe now?

Now that the Heffalump has left my chest, I can report that this is largely tongue-in-cheek as well as absolutely true.

Some of you who read my writings do not want enlightenment, but to live a good and happy life. Fair enough. A worthy endeavor. No one knows what that will look like now that all things have changed. So, maybe look up from your ‘path’ and see if there is light at the end of a different tunnel.

This is why I sometimes recommend other teachers, other voices of different persuasions and points of view, and why I sometimes caution against those I find to be a little “enlightenment-lite” or even a bit lower vibe. Ego is ego, and serving it is not serving anything worthwhile. Then again…

What if it takes a million voices for billions of ears to hear?

Just speaking up. Have a wonderful week!


Today is “7-7-7” ~ What Does it Hold for You?


Enter the Stillness