Are You Ready to Dissolve?
And then, how does one support oneself in the world?
Why don’t more people become fully awake and aware? Because they fear to “lose everything.” Having done so, and more than once, I can report that the process of what is perceived as total loss is not that, and is undefinably liberating. And, as there will never be enough caves to go around, the challenge is now to embody more universal light essence and to function in what is popularly called a more quantum way. Is this heart energy? One could use that term, yes. I have found that the so-labeled ‘gateway of the heart’ is a necessary passage to an infinity of new beginnings. It is not graduation but commencement.
This is where enlightenment, ascension, et al, get tricksey for the mind. Truth be told, the entire process is boot camp for our mental structures. As we stop holding mental fixed positions, our physical bodies and lives become a more fluid truth. As we ground in and flow with that truth, life becomes as much better and more effortless as we allow it to be.
Having a tough day/week/month/lifetime? I did, too. And the last thing my mind wanted to hear as it was in the grasp of tough events was that I was not allowing enough ease and grace. I remember laughingly wondering, “Who is this Grace bitch, and why is she so aloof and difficult?” Those of you who have been through it are likely laughing now. We have all had those moments when the path seemed impossible. Then we learn that that particular path does not exist.
The essence of this lifetime is about relaxing and surrendering into embodied Grace / Universal Light / Divine Presence, {insert your preferred labels here}. The labels are all inaccurate, even the new quantum ones. It seems human minds have yet to learn from the Tower of Babbel. The more the mind insists on the particulars of comprehension, the less anything is truly known. Human minds, for the most part, have lost the ability to grok, to simply know.
I have lately encountered so much of what I might consider to be basic or beginner information. That I have encountered it ‘out there’ on YT or through other articles is amazing. Remember when we used to wonder if quantum truth would ever go mainstream? It seems it has, and just in time. And, wow, the interpretations are legion. Human minds were ever thus. I love it that so many are promulgating the journey through the Heart Gate. Most are not ready to know what lies beyond. Anyone remember the biblical verse about “many mansions?” Yep. The Infinite is infinite, after all. How we describe it works best when dipped in deliciousness.
Some time ago, what flows through me became less and less interested in wearing labels or in defining itself in the particular. I have lost count of the times I have heard people say, “But human minds need that.” I beg to differ. No, they don’t. Minds are only programmed that way, and it is this programming that must now give way to a flow of pure essence.
The mind is a useful tool. It was never meant to run things. And, given that the job of running things has been foisted upon an inadequate tool, having a strong one helps in the unveiling process. A friend often says, “…the right tool for the right job…” The mind is not an adequate tool for awakening. Thus, the movement through what is called the heart. It is good that this journey is being embraced. Source knows what She is about.
“Here we go!” as the saying goes. Discern what feels aligned amidst the noise and haste. Things are about to become noisier and hastier. Source has you. The flows of Source that you are not only guide, but lift and carry your physical body and circumstances as well as your inner ones. We are meant to shift into new embodiment. Pause. Breathe. Let it happen.
Yeshua said, “…and as they believe, so it is for them.” {modern interpretation} As we allow our minds to believe, so life is for us. What B.elief S.ystems are finished with you? These energetic structures have no hold on what is real, and yet we may choose to live within them.
This month is shaking, rattling, and rolling with the shifting tides.
Our currents are meant to carry us through. Hint: It. Does. Not. Matter. What. You. Think.
Your true and comprehensive sensory array is already online. {third eye open, if that terminology appeals to you… } What filters are you arguing to retain? Why? Relax. Breathe. Let Source show you.
Source’s gaze holds infinite perception. The vista is glorious. Come see for yourself as the Source that you are.
Infinite love,