Purging, Burning, and Balancing

Have you been feeling your cervical spine lately? Do you have a stiff neck or weird pains in the back of the skull? How about lumbar discomfort? In all my years of processing and observing as Source shifts energy through me and others, lower back issues have been consistently about support.

Cervical spine issues, particularly in the area of the brainstem, have to do with how our physical bodies are tethered, usually unconsciously, into the collective. The port at the back of the skull, as depicted in the Matrix films, can be shifted into a shield rather than remain an opening or weakness that other energies can use to enter our fields and bodies.

What it takes is the choice for this shift to happen and surrender into your Source Essence as to how that happens. I recommend tea, biscuits, and chocolate, as well as protein. Think micro-doses of comfort and soothing energy. Electrolyte supplements added to clean water help as well. Sip the electrolyzed water rather than gulp, no matter how dehydrated your body might feel. Try putting a small flake of Celtic sea salt {much better than the pink Himalyan stuff} on your tongue and sipping water slowly as it dissolves. The magnesium is then osmotically infused into your system in an optimal way. Be kind and gentle with your body as it realigns.

For the past few days, during the planetary alignment, {it continues for a few more} cosmic energies have been aligned to assist with purging deep feminine wounding from Gaia’s body. Outrage around subjugation, disenfranchisement, and being attacked is heaving up and out of the Earth and our bodies, carrying long-buried angst into collective currents. Some are experiencing this as dizziness or feelings of disorientation or wooziness. Some feel the purging and burning and observe how it is playing out in the environment around them. Others simply feel exhausted. None of us know where our next steps will land, only that we are simultaneously being asked to be patient a while longer, even though we may feel pushed to move forward. What works is to let go more than we have thought possible.

Know that you are all right. All this is passing.

Cranial-sacral adjustments may feel as though they would help, but perhaps wait. Let your physical and emotional bodies be assisted by the aligning planets in our solar system. There are such things as cosmic subluxations. These are being adjusted through and for us. Rest. Let the currents of your Source Essence lift and carry you breath by sacred breath. Functional fitness, health, and well-being are re-generating from the inside out. Listen deeply to your body as s/he explores this new alignment. This awareness is key.

Remember the Matrix films? How could we forget, right? The feeling of being jacked-in to patterns and programs that seem to run us and our lives is viscerally remembered, whether or not we are aware of the sensation and what it indicates. Be unplugged. Choose and re-commit {as if you haven’t 1000 times already} and let Source make the needed adjustments.

This is where you land and ground in a new version of yourself. This version has impeccable discernment, supple-hearted flow, and grounds with certainty in a new way of being.

You are unlearning the old and previewing the new. It is time to live a new way. It begins internally. Let yourself rest and enjoy new currents within your tide of change.

You are not just healing anymore. You are wellness, and you are becoming.

The dragon energies dive deep as Ggaia’s cycle turns.

Infinite love ~


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