When Transformation Quickens
Welcome to a new calendar year. Arbitrary though our calendars are, we choose to live by them. Does that ever put you into hysterics? Or maybe I really am that weird.
What part of this image draws your focus? Maybe sit with what lies beneath. There is no possible potential for this jar to close.
Sometimes, I wonder about scribing for Source, as Source, when frequency moves so quickly. What is needed will always flow through. This, I know and trust. She knows what is needed. Since the Solstice, everything has moved so chaotically all at once that I have been guided to be still, to let the integrating frequencies do as they must, and to rest in preparation for inevitable transformation.
We are what is changing. As with the natural world, change rises from within us. We are all both more and less aware of what is truly happening in the world than our conscious minds allow. We often walk through the motions of the world whilst aware that things are not as they seem. The Earth moves beneath our feet, and we are conditioned not to sense her journey.
I have stood on the southern tip of the south island of New Zealand, feeling and seeing beyond Gaia’s confines with open eyes. A trepidatious wonder remains in my awareness to this day. For one whose body is northern-hemisphere adapted, to feel the south wind blow cold is wonder enough. To see beyond the Earth’s curve into the vastness of what we call space, our Gaia’s true domain, gobsmacks the mind.
Things can and will change within the space of a heartbeat.
More and more of you mention odd experiences you cannot explain. Many of you know not to try. The Great Remembering brings with it unlimited phasing potential. We phase in and out of realities daily yet are so accustomed to our current lenses of perception, our prevailing world views, that we do not recognize our filters. We do not feel the truth of seeing “through a glass darkly” that functions in this world. Some do, of course. And more will, or so I am shown.
I remember hearing that verse as a child and choosing to perceive “face to face.” Anything else just felt dumb. I knew well that one did not have to leave the physical body for that clarity to be available. “Face to face” was in my face, so to speak. I was sad for those filters that did not let me and others see. I knew they had a purpose, those limitations people clung to and defended with their very lives. But, really? Later in life, sadness turned into bewilderment, then outrage. “Are you deaf, dumb, and blind, Tommy?” Apparently so. That trail would always lead back to a seemingly unbearable grief. They can’t see themselves. Most don’t want to. No one can see me.
Was that last bit true? Not as true as it felt. You know the feeling. I knew the light was not completely unrecognized here, but it often felt that way. It can feel that way now, as everything is particleized and re-formed. Many of those unaccustomed to the process will begin to see. They will learn. And many will stand fast in various versions of light and attempt to lead. Great Remembering creates Great Learning. A new learning immersion has begun.
We began it. Our awareness helped and furthered this. Some of us traversed the ocean of grief, allowing it to dissolve around us rather than succumb to the delusion of drowning. Some of us have chosen to perceive as Source does, as much as possible. Some will have this thrust upon them. Source has it all in hand.
As Life led me through her merry dance, I began to see both more and less than I would have chosen. “Why can’t I see this?” was invariably answered with, “Because there is no need.” “Why am I seeing this?” was answered with, “Because you need to. You are learning.” I learned that surrender is not abdication. There is choice, and there is commitment. One must follow the other if we are to have a voice in the construction of a pathless path.
You like to re-design things, right? What if structures in consciousness were some of those things? What if that greater re-design has always been part of you? Here, they call it Divine Plan. How have you helped to facilitate? You now have permission and an invitation to see this. I find the realization brings humble tears of joy.
As the unseen amplifies in the world, many will believe they are lost and confused. Their chosen filters will no longer function. You need not be among them. As transformation quickens, so do you.
This month is a harbinger of the 12 to come. I recommend freefall in all the right places. Your essence knows what to do.
Abraham-Hicks says, “If the chute won’t open, just wait a moment. It will be over soon.” Momentum has a way of completing itself. It is a great design.
What will you facilitate as the building blocks of consciousness flow through you?
Won’t this be fun?