As the Orbs Follow On
Welcome to March!
Immersed in chronicling the Thirteen Jewels, as I have been, I find time’s passage to be all too swift these days. The writer in me is dancing as deeply as she can, slowing into each immersion, yet speeding through time as the world knows it. Welcome to the month of March! Entering with qualities of both lion and lamb, its solar and lunar cycles are upon us. Lambs with claws? Hardly. We can leave that to the screaming goats of the world. This arrival is heralded by lions with fleecy mantles displaying their inner ferocity.
The 7th holds the next full moon, the next jewel in Source’s divine strand of luminosities. Bear in mind, as you are already bearing in body, that these jewels do not only arrive on a single day, with a single alignment. The exact full moon alignment is a singularity, whose infusion happens over approximately three days. Envision the deep sonar ping of the sapphire infusion, expanded and gentled so that its reverberations encompass all of Gaia, and you have a glimpse of what is next. Gaia will not wear this necklace, but hostess its becoming.
This full moon arrives at 16 degrees, 40 minutes of Virgo. What does that tell us about the Tower about to be obliterated? What is illuminated is our fear of making a mistake. The light of this moon and the jewel of this infusion allows us to release the fear as though it did not exist, and instead take a leap of faith. The full Moon in Virgo provides us with an opportunity to let go of any thoughts or beliefs that we are unworthy or somehow not good enough. These old stories belong in the old cycle. Their frequencies cannot exist in our newly forming fields of reality.
This moon, known as the Worm Moon or Eagle Moon, brings a springlike spread of lush enlivening to Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Time to wake up? Well, we’re there, are we not? I am reminded, hilariously, of Eddie Izzard’s riff on “Cake or Death.” In this monologue, convicted felons are offered the choice of a slice of cake, or death. Which will our egos choose, as their forms become obsolete? Gaia has chosen the feast of immersion in new identity, which is both death and dessert. What will we choose, as the immersions continue?
March has always been a lunar passage of changes. One season begins to give way to another. And yet…it snowed here yesterday. I am told the first hints of Autumn are peering through Summer’s warmth, elsewhere in this magical world. The Equinox, on the 20th, holds the balance of composting and sprouting. What is passing on? What is growing? Will the new growth thrive? It will if it is nurtured. What forms of nurturing are being nourished in this next immersion and those to come?
What is being nurtured?
What will we choose to cherish?
The incoming infusion holds qualities of aquamarine light. The stone we know as aquamarine gets its name from the words for ‘water’ and ‘sea.’ Its solidified lightwaves are known for their calming properties, aiding in cooling, cleansing, and alleviating stress. Aquamarine can be an ally in turbulent times. As sapphire plants deep, flowing seeds of wisdom, aquamarine nurtures their growth. What nurtures our growth? Perhaps we might pretend we don’t know, and choose to let a deeper certainty unfold.
Human minds tend to be addicted to knowledge. “I know this. I am right about that.” I speak not of our deepest inner certainties, but of that to which our identities cling. {Rhymes with bling} Many of us have surrendered the stances of knowing, right, and wrong, yet the energies of this month will bring up even the finest root-threads of deeply entrenched beliefs to which parts of us still cling. As resounding change thrums through us, we have the gift, are served the feast, of observing our mental dust bunnies and releasing them from their service to our stories.
The gifts, the ‘cake’ of this next immersion, are in what we allow ourselves to both release and receive.
Funny, I’ve never liked cake. Fruit and I , however, are friendly.
Happy March Immersions!