Allowing Wholeness

What does allowing mean? Why is it important?

Any healer knows that whoever comes to them must first want to be healed. A good healer also knows that most people only want the pain to stop. They aren’t interested in eradicating the root cause of the issue at the level of its inception. If there are unconscious programs still running, a healer can ‘clear’ or ‘fix’ an issue over and over, or seem to, and the issue will simply reappear. Sometimes it takes a different form, sometimes the same form returns. This is the basis for what the medical profession calls remission. Some ‘diseases’ go into what is called remission, only to return. Why? Because the vibrational root, the frequency of the issue is still present.

A wholistic approach to healing takes into account the energetic root cause and seedform, of what is presenting. There are no silver bullets in this process. Layer by layer, issues are resolved as we allow them to be.

Or, wholeness can be allowed to take over. It has to do that. The light codes within us need to be given full rein. And, our remaining egoic structures will do anything to try to stay in control. I have spent over three decades showing others how to allow the Source within them to dissolve the layers plastered over that Source. At this time, we have the opportunity to embody another option.

More than half of healing is in convincing the mind of the one seeking it that wholeness is possible. Once enough proof and evidence has been provided to the mind, resistance to that big a change lets go. It is not a mental choice. It is a full commitment at the level of our Source Essence.

First, we must surrender our personal agendas, our personal will. This is what was meant by “Not my will but thine.” It is not a white flag, nor does it involve airborne towels. This is not submission nor is it any form of compliance to something outside ourselves. True surrender happens when we let go into the truth of what we are. And we let that run things, instead of letting obsolete programs at any level, continue to run our show.

We all agreed to our ‘show’ before incarnating. The why of those agreements don’t really matter now. I was once asked, by a student, “Why would I have done this to myself?” She actually wailed. My heart felt her pain, the pain of self-betrayal and self-condemnation. She and I both truly saw the depths of self-loathing held in the deep core agreement she was finally allowing herself to see. When we see these patterns for what they are, it’s ‘game over.’ Then, there is another step.

We feel we cannot trust our Essence if it made a decision like that. This is where surrender comes in. This is where we learn to truly allow. When this student saw her core pattern, the core misperception that brought her into this incarnation, her personality was devastated. But, she listened. She asked what was to be done. And, when the answer was, “Let your Source Essence be the doer,” she listened. She was already awake. This step set her free. And, freedom what was she incarnated to achieve. She left the planet after a decade or so of passing on what she had learned. May she now soar, unencumbered by any such agendas. Most of you don’t know who this was. Don’t assume, please. Instead, look at your projections onto this story. It is also yours.

What agendas have prevented you from what you need to be free? What parts of you still hold onto needing to be healed or to fix or fight for/against, or to prove yourself in some way?

What will it take for you to let Wholeness take over? Wholeness, Oneness, the full cellular embodiment of enlightenment, whatever you call this deep yearning, it is already within you. You. Are. That.

Every avatar has said this, each in her/his own way. It seems to take many voices, many forms of messaging and eons of repetition for the watering, nurturing and nourishing of this tiny seed to flourish. We are in a flourishing time, now.

If you so choose… bearing in mind and body that this is a first step, you are well able to claim your own Wholeness.

Is there more, after that? Would the Source of all that is, the Creatrix of all life, ever cease to create? There is always more. The first gate, the doorway, is the heart. Are you ready to cross that threshold? Are you willing? You have always been able.

Will you allow yourself the Wholeness of loving Source, including the Source that you are, with your whole heart? This is what you incarnated to embody.

When we allow ourselves to receive and become the wholeness we already are, we become what is called miraculous.

We allow infusions of what will become wisdom, the claircognizance of Source’s embodiment. You can allow yourself to be that.

You need no permission. The invitation has always been here, waiting for the love that you are.


As the Orbs Follow On


When Love Claims Her Own