Being the Better
How many times have you heard, “this or something better”? Clarity is what happens when our feelings know how better vibrates. Higher vibration creates momentum. Willpower creates faceplants… at least for now. As with anything, clarity takes practice. And, a lot of leaping.
We are being asked to retire from what and how we have been so that we can be what we are. Sounds cryptic? An old life ends from the inside out, as a new pushes it out. Our bodies are rapidly changing. Our lives will recalibrate from that.
It’s funny how accustomed we become to how many things and in how short a time. I do this, this way. I eat this way. I dress this way. I do or don’t do… fill in the blanks. The truth is, as of this transition, we don’t know. As children, we begin to experiment with how things feel. Instead of getting dressed by rote, try feeling what you truly want to wear today. All laundry issues aside, this is a fun way to tap into feelings every morning. Sure, there are practical issues, work clothes we need to wear, or whatever. But, what if we took a moment to see how things feel?
Most people in this world don’t navigate by their feelings. We are all taught not to live that way. We are taught it is selfish or irresponsible, but the bottom line is we fear our feelings. We are afraid to see what they might show us about who we are. Who are you, really? Is that scary? Are there frequencies that want to integrate? They’ll be banging down your door about now.
Powerful feelings need to be grounded through the heart. Oneness, zero-point energy, the Great Mother’s Infinite Field, can be accessed without the heart, but those energies will not fully embody without love’s nav system. A deeper universal connection requires that we use the portal of the heart, the one portal that can always be trusted.
Consider our lovely planet, Gaia. She is the mother of our bodies, here. The Great Mother’s love pours through her as it does through each of us. It is through Gaia’s love that our bodies feel this primary connection. Now, more than ever, it is important to flow with Gaia’s interconnectivity so that we may recalibrate our own in harmony with her alignment.
Being better doesn’t happen merely by expecting better, but it is a place to start. We start with a feeling, maybe even a hope. We hold onto the upliftment of that feeling and learn to embellish and feed it. We rest in thanks that our feelings can be trusted and will lead us to where we need to be, what needs to happen, what we can receive {if we allow it} in new, brighter, and more empowered ways.
From now until early October, things are going to twist and turn and be shifty. The more we can let go and sit deep, the more easily we will navigate this crossing. This is a cosmic dance. We must surrender and we must choose. We rest, gratefully, in what feels best for us, no matter how things appear. And, we choose to trust our discernment {not judgment} to guide us through.
I’ve had several of you tell me that you’ve just spent time in a circumstance that used to trigger you and it wasn’t a problem. You’ve been able to be neutral and carry on. Then, after the fact, you’ve been grateful to be in your own energy to replenish yourself. Regardless of neutrality gained, we will all have to take this kind of care of ourselves for a while. Replenishment is necessary. Field maintenance is paramount. This doesn’t mean excluding life circumstances, necessarily, but being radically aware of what our various bodies are asking for, and giving ourselves whatever that might be with open arms and hearts.
It’s time to integrate more of what we are. This means that energies we’ve projected out onto other people, places, and things, need to be forgiven, the patterns released, and those energies need to come home. Home within us. I wrote my monthly newsletter for Medium about this. Here’s the link.
When a world begins to purge persecution, boundary issues arise. Most of these are deeply internal. Things we’ve cordoned off or locked away and forgotten. We made these decisions for what seemed to be good and practical reasons. And, the reality that birthed those reasons is ending.
Endings and beginnings are complicated times. This one requires that we retire our old numbers, jerseys, and identities. Source isn’t asking. This is not a drill. This is what we incarnated to experience. And, this is not about sacrificing for anything, including anyone’s imagined greater good. What drops away is no longer relevant nor needed.
Learn to love the lightened load. Your body will thank you for it. Things will be better.
So, what is this new, lighter, shinier, being we navigate within? We will learn. What to do or how to be as newness forms? Rest in, focus on, the better. And Source will make it so.
Love to you all,