Reality Bubbles, Orbs of Light, & Dreaming

In the Sirian Starseed tarot deck, the suit traditionally known as Swords, is named Orbs. I quite like it, as the orbs are a more accurate representation of the Air element and how we shape thought, time, and space with our intentions.

In the traditional representation, each sword has two sides, a light and a dark, regardless of the message of the numbered image. The message of each card has its light and its shadow. So do our intentions.

In the Sirian Starseed tarot, written by Patricia Cori and illustrated by Alysa Bartha, each orb is shaded according to the light source in the image, rather than represented in a dualistic way. Each image, with its orbs to be juggled, brings with it a message of what seems to be and what actually is or might be. It is time, now, for us to choose to Dream. We need to focus on the wonder that may be.

Manifesting, in the old cycle, had a push to it. A doing, a manipulating of our source energy and the energies of others. Setting our intentions, then pushing with all that we are to make them so. What this will accomplish now, is exhaustion and Source’s detour signage. Not that way. Not now.

As things are playing out in the current transit, Dreaming is the more efficient path. As we relax into our source essence, letting the feeling states of what we choose to experience bubble up through our fields, we create a different kind of manifestation altogether. Think of a joyfully bubbling fountain moving through you, letting you enjoy the feeling of your chosen reality.

Instead of setting strict intentions, pushing, then taking a breather, stating, “this, or something better,” relax into allowing the better to show up. Think of sweating the details as unnecessary effort and detrimental dehydration.

I recently listened to Abraham-Hicks {to which I sometimes resort on particularly gnarly mornings} stating, “Stop thinking about it and it will come.” The statement made me laugh. True enough. How many of life’s blessings have arrived when we’ve fully let go? There is so much contagious focus on depressing what-ifs and if-thens, and worst cases, it can be hard to distinguish the resonance that is truly our own. Feel the love bubbling through you, let go, and its reflection will arrive. In Source’s timing, which is always your own timing and in your very best interests. Always.

One tried and true touchstone is to state to Source, “Thank you for letting me rest in my true essence, showing me what I truly am and how I feel.” Word it any way you like. Your own words will be the most powerful. Then, close your eyes and drop into your body. Wiggle the starlight in your toes to make sure you’re all the way in. The multiverse, as you radiate its essence, flows from within you, not from without. This is The True Shift we all must make.

The other sort of Shi(f)ting involves what must be shed for our essence to thrive. The more we rest in our own essence, the faster the other stuff drops away. Our orbs of light cease to be situations to be juggled and coalesce brilliantly into a cohesive whole. Our true fields. Our source-filled and source-directed orbs of light. Each of us, unique and precious, radiating into the world exactly what we are.

If you don’t like your reflection as it currently appears, you know where to look. Inside, not out. What is left to be integrated? What have you not acknowledged or accepted {and moved on}? What do you not love and respect about yourself? Where are the gifts in what is reflected? It’s perfectly all right to ask, “More of that please!” This is how we learn to Dream.

Does the butterfly dream the same reality bubble as a caterpillar? Does what is Beyond Enlightenment dream the same dreams as the butterfly? What is empowered embodiment anyway? Your essence knows the answers and will show you if you listen and let go of what you have taught yourself to believe.

Our minds hold ideas of how we want things to be, to resolve, to take shape, and to manifest. These are, largely, childish things. We don’t want to think so, but it is so. There is always more for us, especially if we’re experiencing difficulties. Obstacles, at this time, are Source’s detour signs. Not that way. Not now. There is more and better for you…and it will arrive in a better way.

Expect the better, feeling into the wonder of how that might feel. Let the wonder and the joy bubble through your orb of light. Trust that your source essence knows exactly what better looks and feels like for you and how to make that so in any moment. Your essence knows when the right moment has arrived. If it hasn’t yet, wait. Rest in trust. If your situation requires a decision, make the best one you can. New trajectories will open for you. Let your reflections speak to and through your heart. And, put away childish things. Wonder is not one of them, nor are innocence or joy. These emanations are meant to carry us through the incarnation. They are reflections of empowerment.

Embodied empowerment is practiced and mastered one breath at a time. One burst of radiant spirit at a time. One fractal of love compounded upon another. As you love, respect, and honor your bubble, no matter its current reflections, your mirrors change. So, focus on the Source, not the reflection.

Form change comes through the effervescent bubbles of light that you are. Collect the bubbles, letting them flow freely through your heart. Enjoy them all. Your path forward will look nothing like the one you’ve left behind. Expect the better. Toast its arrival with fresh bubbles of what you love and enjoy.

Let go of what you think you know and let yourself love what you’re learning. Dreaming is the feeling state of your most ideal bubble(s)…and then some. You will become this reality, and watch its reflections manifest around you.

Happy full moon! May her light show you what you need to see,
Infinite love,

Originally published on Goddess Portal Support August 20, 2021,


Being the Better

