Tricky, Twitchy, Twisty ~ And Other Little Known Dwarves
This month is a potential minefield or field of dreams. Or both. Depends on how you want to play it. Life is a funhouse mirror. Nothing is exact. Everything has a twist to it and a distorted reflection. That’s good. It was designed this way.
Let’s not pretend the fit has not hit the shan. If that sends your body into any kind of fear, that’s good! You have the opportunity to witness your body reacting to something that is there, that is not imaginary, and, that is largely invisible… for now. So, what is your body telling you? What is your highest inner vibrational authority? We each need to live by this and make it a priority.
So many will say, “Let’s not panic.” Righty-ho. Good for you. There is no need. Everything depends on vibration. Everything. And, if that puts any of your bodies into distress, breathe through it, like the contraction it is, and let yourself see what you fear. If your life is going along fairly smoothly at the moment, great! Let yourself feel any glitches, rest in your starlight, and let them release. No worries.
The more shadow work you’ve done, the easier this is. Not comfortable. But, easier. And, you’ve all done a lot of work, one way and another. The light that you are knows what it’s doing.
And, if things are… a bit less than optimal? Rest in the starlight you are, and let it reconfigure all that wants to hold onto what is dropping away. This has to happen.
One of the facts about sustained enlightenment is that when you become that Oneness, your old life drops away. Often literally. Many drop their physical bodies. And, that is the old paradigm. That modality has ended. We move on, expanding into more, and embodying ever-increasing frequencies. Hanging onto the old life makes this difficult. More than that. Almost impossible. So, first, breathe through what your mind tells you that means. Let the Source Essence that is you and yours alone, show you what is real.
The knowing comes in bits and pieces. Insights. Epiphanies… duh moments. Step by step. One NOW moment at a time, we recall our multidimensionality and embody it.
Empowerment is, first, the absolute, unconditional willingness to release all victimhood and victimization. Full stop. It begins with that commitment. The commitment begins a cycle of taking responsibility. NOT self-blame! Think of what you’ve learned, here! Amazing, to say the least. And, it’s time to be who/what you are, to be responsible for the care and feeding of your Source Essence. Above. All. Else.
“Well, I don’t know what that is…” or, “Well, I know what that is and… blah blah blah circumstances.” Or, “Well, that’s selfish.” Oh, honey, back to page one. Of course, you know. And, of course, you’ve been misguided. That was the ticket you paid for. And, remember, you didn’t buy a cheap seat! You EARNED this privilege.
The bleachers are a fine place to BE during a global meltdown. And the cosmic popcorn is free! So why does it feel… all the ways it feels? BECAUSE YOU CAN FEEL. SEE. And KNOW. Not every being here present can say the same. Many are already dead. You see them every day. Be sad or don’t. Weep if you must. But stay in your own lane. Each being on this world at this time has made choices. Responsibility is not a drill.
The more you opt into yourself, your Source Essence, your starlight, the more you rest in that and relax into what is already within you, the more clarity you will have. The more absolute wonder and joy and love you will experience. It comes in bursts, at first. Don’t despair if the other stuff gets in the mix. Lift up again and carry on.
Do you have a plan? Does anyone, really, these days? Well, you might. Let it rest for a bit. Prepare. And rest up. Until the Equinox, at least. If there are actions you need to take, you will be shown the how/when. If not, rest, recuperate, recalibrate, and invest yourself in listening. Deep, deep listening. Not to the noise and haste. That way lies… all kinds of stuff you’re complete with. Or maybe not. Maybe you feel differently. Feel beneath your emotions and find out. The time is now.
Funny, the more my frequency morphs, the more twisty and tricky mirrors I see. The behavior of others as parts of me. This form of observation breeds compassion and detachment. As I’ve written before, observe, forgive those energies in yourself, let them come home, let them integrate, and move on. It is never the other person that bothers you, even when they might be playing the part of your personal torturer. Distance from that kind of behavior, and take a good look at your deep feelings about it. What can you integrate within yourself? Forgive as much as you can, even if it’s only a little, and let yourself be free.
Tricky, Twisty, and Twitchy don’t want you to know that you’re free. Free to BE. Free to live by your highest inner authority no matter what anyone or anything else tells you {even me}.
Tricky and Twisty become things to laugh with, edging Twitchy off the playing field. Twitching becomes a game, rather than a startle reaction.
Higher frequency and deeper stillness, which are one and the same, enable and empower you to make the nano-second changes you need to make, to surf the incoming waves. This is what we’ve done the work FOR.
I heard a great phrase today, “…the delicious addiction to suffering…” What’s your flavor? How and why does some part of you defend it? And, are you ready to flow with different densities?
Within each wave lie currents that support you. Wouldn’t you rather go for that ride?
This is where it’s about to get good! You’ve been told not to quit before the miracle. Maybe you didn’t realize you ARE THAT.
~ Happy surfing!
Much love,