Being The Mirror
You’ve heard that life is a mirror. A fun-house mirror, more typically than not, but a mirror of what is internally held, projected onto what we perceive as the outer world. The way Source expresses through each of us is mirrored in our consciousness and our lives. So, when we see something that bothers, or triggers our programming, we learn to look inward first and foremost. How is this held within me? How does this radiate out as part of my field? How might this current of energy be running through me so that it attracts the same from the world and others?
Then, there is the awakening transition, where we become a reflection for others. I have heard this called Transparency. I have heard it called the Divine Mirror. I have heard it called being a Phase Conjugate Mirror. The truth of what happens, by any name, is that embodying as a conscious emanation of Source creates a mirroring effect in our field. We reflect what is going on within another, to that other. {and vice versa}
For some, this is welcome. A chance to see what has been hidden, an opportunity to integrate and expand more powerfully. For others, it is distinctly off-putting. Let the projections and gaslighting begin!
This bouncing-off of reactivity happens for everyone, regardless of how conscious they have become. “You’re doing this! You’re the problem!” Finger-pointing without any internal recognition of responsibility. I can report that I have been on the other side of this two-way mirror for as long as I can remember, and it has only become stronger with each awakening. I psychically perceive when someone is looking at a person/place/thing/circumstance, not only through their own filters, but with those filters projected onto a mirror. They are not perceiving anything but their own internally held bias.
I remember one case, where certain topics would come up when this person was in the room. She finally spouted off at me, “You gossip! This is lower energy! This isn’t what I want to be around!” not realizing for a moment that it only happened in her presence. Not realizing that most of us did not enjoy being around that level of projection. For me, the teaching incidents, {teaching stories} coming through, held only discernment and compassion for the lessons they held. Others in the room understood that, but this woman did not. She was invested in being a victim and used higher levels of energy to throw blame in order to be hit even harder. She was, observably, in a lot of pain. This type of belief-biased blindness is rampant in the world and the foundation of all dogmatically held positions.
As we awaken, we first become the conduit. We empty ourselves so that Source can flow freely through us. Being responsible means getting out of the way of what Source is expressing through us. We learn humility by not editing that direct expression.
Then, as this type of responsibility evolves, we learn to discern how much we are filtering Source’s expression. We learn new and more fluid forms of communication. For example, I studied several paths and healing traditions, not to become a practitioner of any of them, but so that I might speak the language of those who came to me for assistance. I didn’t know that, at the time, but Source would pull me out of a particular learning curve at some strategic moment, only to plunge me into something new. Sure enough, a new person would show up who was practicing or had practiced this new path. I would not know, personally, what path someone had walked, but Source would use the language of their tradition to help make things clear for them.
I am constantly amazed at what this kind of surrender can accomplish. I find myself whispering, so gratefully, “Look at what Source can do!” Watching you light up is so very beautiful!
I was raised to be a torch-bearer. I had childhood fantasies of performing this task for the Olympics {which would have been easier}! And, I didn’t know why. I knew ‘they’ meant being a torch-bearer for Source’s light, but kids have their dreams. LOL
Finally, as we fully awaken, surrendering our contracts for separation and the filters that cordon off our chosen identities, there is no separation between content and conduit. There is no identification with the torch-bearer at all. So what then? Are we the torch? That is a typical next phase. It can last for…ever if we let it. That torch can be passed from hand to hand, modality to modality, as we absorb Grace on many fronts, and pass it on.
And then, there is another possibility. The one we may have sought all along. We become the flame. The light. The love. We simply are that. No other identity is needed, other than the surface avatar for the DMV and other legal entities. And this presents a different reflection altogether. Whatever anyone needs to have mirrored is what shows up for them. Source morphs into that very thing. I can report how strange it has felt to have Kali rampage through my awareness, and to have it seen in whatever way the recipient needs to see it, or to have Kuan Yin’s fierce compassion be seen as cold.
And, of course, this requires a constant state of self-observation, so that one’s filters are not present for the occasion. I’ve heard others voice the fear, “What if I say or do the wrong thing? What if I’m not interpreting correctly?” {Hint: Don’t interpret. Ever. Only deliver.} The funny thing about that fear, or hesitation, is that if Source’s message is about to be delivered in a non-optimal way, She will turn off the taps altogether. The energy will flatline. This happens whether the energy is self-directed or in service of another. It happens constantly as we mirror our patterns to ourselves. The appropriate response is, “Where did it go? Where does it need to flow?” The answer is almost never what the ego wants to hear. It gets funnier as time goes on. We start to feel the shutdown or tripwire before it happens, and course-correct.
Life as a reflection is an interesting role to play. I recommend trying it on from time to time, as practice. Remember, first ‘you’ have to get out of the way. Be the conduit. Then, let Source be free to play. One step at a time. You wouldn’t want your every effort to flatline!
How are you trying and doing, rather than surrendering and being? Her mirror will let you know. She’ll alter the flow.
You’ve got this! You’ve known how to be the Source that you are, all along.
Every blessing,