Collaborating From the Heart

Snow covers the ground here, at present, but I look forward to the emergence of these lovelies. With well-rooted bulbs clustered together, they lift their golden hearts to the sun. In Whoville, the Grinch learned that nothing he could take from anyone was stronger than a committed circle, “heart to heart and hand to hand.” So say the daffodils.

Will we learn, before it is too late? While it’s true that egos can learn to cooperate, collaboration comes from the heart. A powerful flow of balance, and gentle harmony is pouring through the Equinox window from the Galactic Center. The Great Mother’s heart is open, embracing us in a flow of Her love. Some days it feels like a fire hose or tsunami. Lucky, we.

Like snowflakes and stars, leaves and petals, the young and precious of any species, we are all fractals of an Infinite Whole. We all carry wisdom from the Infinite, as well as wounds and traumas that are rising, in order to heal. Will we honor this release?

What surrounds us will change, shift, and morph, when we do.

We are being prepared. Are we ready to change? Will we listen, learn, and allow reality to shift around us? Will you? are you ready to BE PEACE? Are you willing to climb into your still, strong, calm, and be the eye of any storm? You are well able. Ready or not. All it takes is commitment.

Have a listen! When hearts collaborate, anything is possible.

What one can do, another can do. What can we BE all together?
Love to you all,


Full Moon, Equinox, & Change


Pluto’s Purging Process