Pluto’s Purging Process
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We are all going through this purging process, particularly those in the US, and the American continents.
Today begins the cycle of the “Pluto return” for the U.S. Dwarf planet Pluto returns to its alignment when the country was formed. The strength of this alignment will wax and wane, building to a crescendo in October, then continue affecting us into next year.
This is a deep karmic dredging, activating all kinds of debris remaining in our fields. It is an opportunity to recognize what unconscious bits of us are still somehow, even tentatively, hooked into the human collective of violence, subjugation, dominance, and greed. The energies we dub as ‘masculine’ are being hardest ‘hit.’
Our dreams are filled with an odd montage of toxic masculinity and those of what is positive, that we may barely recognize for what they represent.
I am noticing feeling and psychological states that vibrate with the old world in ways I thought long gone. I noticed a blethering on the part of my mind/ego towards someone in a class I ‘m taking. My mind no longer plays that game. Inner conversations, 101. What? This is not in my awareness, but a holdout in my physical body, to insure its survival. “Prove your worth. Defend your position.” Again with, what? And, most of those thoughts and feelings were not my own. What is releasing are the bits of velcro to which such thought patterns attach.
Rather than condemn whatever shows up, we can comfort and soothe the little buggers {our patterns}, giving them their ‘fifteen minutes’ and releasing those energies into Oneness in balance and gentleness. Sometimes, gentle is the most powerful way we can be. This is happening for all of us. No exceptions. So don’t feel as though you’ve missed out on anything or that you’re being particularly persecuted. None of it is true or ‘real.’ And, the U.S. needs this purging! So do the parts of us still tethered in.
For example, I woke up at 3 this morning with a headache. The oppressive energy kind. The kind we tend to want to resist and push away. The kind I sometimes take drugs to deal with. I chose not to do any of those things. I cleaned up body and field, and surrendered the whole package into meditation. “I don’t know where these energies need to go, so please bring them into peace and harmony.” It helped. The energies in this country today are such that it is most supportive to take things a bit easy and remind my body that, while today is a GREAT DAY, it may be a little crunchier than some. No big deal. Be gentle with yourself.
What almost everyone fails to realize, is that when an old world falls away, so do our lifestyles, our ways of dealing with things, our failsafes, and workarounds. In other words, we lose what we think are and what we know. This is why I include releasing “everything related” in the EF materials. Release the patterns and all supporting structures, including what is based upon them and what they are based upon. Roots to branches. Your Source Essence knows what to do. It needs your permission and your collaboration to bring old patterned energies into new alignments.
Whenever you move into the energy of compliance, rather than a clear and conscious choice, within or without, Source stops leading the way in that area and lets the ‘Wookie’ win. You have chosen to learn/experience in a certain way. Education by Wookie {no disrespect meant to that noble race}. So be it. Source then has to re-calibrate your navigation much like the GPS system in your car. It is less optimal, less efficient, and, at this juncture, do you really have that kind of time? Only you can know.
I can suggest, if not recommend, that you use ‘death as your advisor.’ This is a technique from the Toltec traditions, taught by Carlos Castaneda’s teacher, Don Juan. It involves the awareness of what a privilege this incarnation is, and how short its duration. One of many things my hardware reset {stroke} taught me, was that I needed to ask for help. No amount of strength, fortitude, forbearance, or stupid stubborn pride would support me in doing what needed to be done. I was forced to depend entirely on Source and those She had show up for me. And I had to bloody ask. “Oh, I can do it,” was not going to work. Nor will it now, for anyone. Not this time.
Abraham-Hicks wrote a book entitled “Ask, and It Is Given”. Yes, I do own it. Yes, I do recommend it, for the purposes of re-aligning the mind. A tool, nothing more. About the deeper stuff? Let me ask you this, if I may…
Do you want freedom, or do you want to be a magician?
These are not mutually exclusive states of being, but the goal of each intent leads to a different place. Be honest with yourself about how you will allow power to be wielded through you. Radically, gently, supportively, honest. Flow with what needs to change. You were born for this. You remember.
Yes, you are infinitely strong, your Source Essence knows what to do and how, and you are THAT. And, your physical body, or even your awareness, heaven forbid, might need a little assistance from time to time. If this is one of those times, Ask. For. Help. And, if it isn’t one of those times, for you, you’ll know and Source will lead you well.
Don’t lose your Source Connection! You couldn’t, if you tried, but your body can appear to become disconnected if you so allow. Don’t buy in. Trust what you are.
Let the roto-rooter purging flow, and let it go. And, remember to gently support the balance that you need, first. It’s the oxygen mask analogy. We won’t get any less tired, if we don’t let in more light.
Love to you all,