Full Moon, Equinox, & Change
Oh my! It is a water tiger year, after all. The full moon, on the 18th at 1:17AM MDT in the US, shines its torch on the planetary situation, bringing the higher octaves of mystery with it. In music, octaves repeat from lower to higher, their pitch determined by vibratory frequency. As with music in our realm, so with the music of the spheres.
To quote Alan Clay, of Dwarf Planet University:
“Tomorrow's Full Moon… suggests we might be challenged by 'the new' in some way, but that this can open practical spiritual opportunities, if we can see them.
Because the Sun is opposing the Moon, it is sextile Sedna, but also quintile Ceres. I see Ceres as the higher octave of the Moon, and Sedna as the higher octave of Ceres, so we have the three octaves actively aligned tomorrow.
Love and nurture is the key to understanding this triple octave, from the motherly love and nurture of the Moon, through the nurturing of family and romantic love with Ceres, to the allowing of love and harmony and nurturing of abundance at the spiritual level with Sedna.”
Feeling supercharged some days and exhausted on others? The past three days, following the last Coronal Mass Ejection, found me completing every last little detail on my plate, ‘for no apparent reason.’ Years of observation of this type of pattern indicated something was coming that would take most of my energy and attention. The most recent Coronal Mass Ejection {CME} happened on the 13th. Today, the 17th, is the next. Arising this morning, it took most of my energy to make the bed, and I became a bit dizzy when making tea and putting away last night’s dishes. As these are not strenuous tasks, I realized, again, from long years of observation, that something else was happening, and took things very slowly. I halved my morning Feldenkreis and Chi Gong ‘routine’ and relaxed deeply into a gentle yin meditation. The tsunami was intense. Yet, guided by my intention of receiving in balance and gentleness, it was not overwhelming.
From Cayelin Castell of Celestial Timings:
“There was a recent CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) that hit the Earth's atmosphere on March 13 and another one is likely to reach Earth on March 17. More about Solar Flares (CMEs) and how they are igniting personal and planetary change.”
This latest CME is today, by my hemispheric reckoning and I can attest to my body’s heavy weariness this morning, ‘for no apparent reason,’ other than that my energies are being utilized elsewhere. The wider our perception, the more we do outside of the sphere of our day to day.
We may often wonder if consciousness is ever going to rise on this world. Quantum awareness is measured by the observation of quantum occurrences, rather than from a dualistic perspective. As the Kuiper Belt objects and dwarf planets have entered human astronomical perception, so has their quantum influence risen. Humans tend to believe what they can see, after all. Seen or unseen, these celestial bodies, our more distant neighbors as Gaia hurtles through space, hold grand sway.
It is said that the further from our Sun a celestial body orbits, the wider its orb of influence. Influence being the appropriate term. You wouldn’t give your neighbors permission to make decisions for you, right? So, we feel the influence of the snow blower next door, children playing down the street, fireworks set off in the park across the way, or gunshot echoes from the weekend hunters if we live in more rural locations. These activities may or may not directly impact our day to day, but they do influence us, whether we are aware of or oblivious to that influence. So, these ‘higher octave’ celestial bodies influence our experience of reality whether or not we are aware of their presence.
Returning ot the influence of the full moon. We all know that our moon influences Gaia’s tides, and those of our bodies. We know that emotions, the tides of feeling, are heightened when the moon’s light most directly reflects the sun’s. And what about the higher octaves of frequency? If Ceres is the next higher octave of influence from the moon, and Sedna is the next higher octave of that, and this Quantum Trinity of influence is in alignment, what then? Downloads worthy of the name, is what. What an amazing opportunity for higher listening!
Full moon and its trinity of influence on the 18th, Equinox exact on the 20th…with the twists and turns of ‘new’ nudging against the tarry bits we have stuck in our hair, this can be a week of revelations to remember. Try not to let them get lost in the tides of transition. Big tides, big transitions, with golden nuggets of consciousness to be treasured therein.
As you pull out your new moon intentions, to have a peek at how things might be manifesting, take note of what is fruiting from this vast celestial opening. And, if you forgot to write down intentions at the last new moon, take the time to write them now. There is no time like the present. And there is no present like the time. {this time, no matter how twisted and turbulent it may seem} The more we intend, from balanced love and harmony, without expectations as to outcome, the more we shape what is to come. The more present there is to unwrap and unfold. Focus on the joy! Make a project out of it if you must. Cowabunga, babies!
Happy Full Moon!