Come Full Circle

There is an opportunity this year to circle every inner wagon you have ever owned, designed, built, or traveled upon and let Universal Wisdom implode the energy held in your stories into trajectories mapped for optimal evolution. Sounds too much? Too good to be true? If there is a price, it is only those beliefs, ideas, thought patterns, and habits of behavior and being. When we embrace the Eeyore position and sigh, “That’s too good to be true,” are we afraid of being or having whatever that is?

Oh, sure, our aspirational aspects will protest. “I always want optimal.” And you do. Yet, there are inner voices that protest, “Too much proof and evidence. There are too many limitations in this world.” Is limitation in the world or in our minds? Is there a difference? If so, what?

As one who has studied these metaphysical concepts for a lifetime, I do carry wisdom concerning these questions. Am I right? What if there is no right? What if life is light? What if truth and beauty are one and the same? If beauty is in the eye of each beholder, what then? Are all half-truths so blind?

Transformation begins, not from a place of lack or misery, though these states of mind can be eloquent catalysts. It begins with an inner impulse born of certainty that there is expansion available and that, no matter what any world tells you, this feeling is REAL.

Our true nature, our Source essence, cries more loudly at some times than at others. This is such a moment. We are beckoned, neither back nor forwards, but inward, into the embodiment of more divine essence, that which we call light.

An inner revolution is at hand. Whether your conscious mind is on board with this or not is irrelevant.

The shape of the ladle changes constantly. Have you noticed? Can you appreciate the new shape and form of how you deliver into this world what you were born to deliver? The language of the content morphs as we do. The ladle shifts over and over. What is the essence of what we share and anchor?

If this is the so-called “Age of the Lightworker,” how does that affect you? Are parts of you, chameleon-like, morphing to fit what seems to be the emerging form? Smile at these parts of yourself. Beckon them into the currents of authenticity now emerging.

Flow is replacing force. The dragon energies of last year have gone deep, protecting and nurturing the win energies the receptivity necessary for this year’s transformations.

What have we been taught to fear? Was any of it reasonable or based on anything real? Only you can know for yourself and your inner revolution. To what are you returning? What agendas or missions still run that could now be let go?

Your Source Essence {not any aspect of your mind} knows. It’s time to let it flow.

Infinite Love ~


The How of Helping


What is the Inner Event Horizon?