The How of Helping

So many I’ve spoken with recently mention wanting to “help people through this.” The truth, according to Source, and your personal instructions may say differently, is that ‘this’ is going to play out in every country in the way it is going to play out. What we, who are possibly more aware than most, can do is surrender into our inherent luminosity and let it lead. Light is intelligence and always knows what to do. So there’s your ‘how.’ Tricksey, right?

Most of us are incarnated to increase the light quotient in the human collective in one way or another. And, if we’re honest, we knew that this lifetime would be an opportunity to upgrade our frequency bundle and our config file, as well.

As Gaia’s frequency bandwidth shifts, it becomes increasingly evident that the new ‘how’ seems virtually ungraspable in any old cycle terms. Many are just beginning to grasp this fact uncomfortably, and there are many light-workers, light-sharers, et al., whose ‘aid and support’ agendas are moving into full throttle.

The Divine, or Universal Light, has designed this transition so that balance has a chance to prevail. We need to let it do so, holding our still points and riding the waves.

The Lightworkers’ Lament
You’ve heard this one or maybe sung this refrain a few times yourself. “But this isn’t what we’ve been envisioning. We’ve been doing this, teaching what works, ladling light into this world, for decades, and when will things change?”

Have you forgotten that the shifting of a world is not about you? Is the sea all about the droplet? {Hmmm. From a fractal point of view, the question is interesting.} Is life about what you desire to have happen? The Infinite Sea is made of Infinite Grace. Do you really believe you know better?

Source has had me in front of that mirror over and over again. It is part of how we grow. At some point, we admit that we neither know nor need to know. And so, it begins.

Wanting to reach out
When we notice a loved one, or a little one, in pain, we all {if you’re reading this} want to reach out, embrace the pain, and ‘make it better.’ It took decades for personality-me to fully realize that that version of ‘I’ does not get to decide. It has no right or any invitation to do so. That ‘I’ has witnessed some of you walk straight into trip-wires and faceplants, all while Source has held me and my hands and shown me that everyone learns what they are here to learn in the way they are here to learn it…. and then some. That last bit is the tricksey part.

I was shown how to let go early in life. I was shown that there were events and consequences over which I had zero influence, let alone control. I went through a period where I absolutely loathed the expression, “Not my will but thine.” Who the EFF was this bloody ‘Thine’ being {a terrible definition}, and why was that essence being denied in me? Of course, that version of ‘I’ was pretending to be the doer and ‘doing’ the denying. Source had no part in the inner battle. It is ever thus.

Source keeps saying, through me, “Trust the impulsing.” I suppose that feels too passive for some, or the mind gets its knickers in a twist and so rebels and goes all passive-aggressive. Honestly, time to grow up. Active listening is key. It is a skill we are all immersed in and learning.

I recently heard someone say, “I need to reach more people, and I have to figure out how.” Knowing that person as I do, I said nothing. So well-intended. There is a lifetime agenda there to be dissolved, and there is a deeply unconscious lack of surrender that runs counter to this person’s every intent. In this case, it is not a lack of trust but a misunderstanding of the nature of trust held in this person’s heart. Was it my job to mention this, especially when the fact that it is ‘up’ means that the person in question is ready to see the issue? I listened, and Source stayed silent. Not my lesson to be involved with, though I know this one well.

What do you feel in your configuration? Ouch, right? Believe me when I share that I have gone through the ‘ouch’ doorway many, many times. Or, perhaps, for every expansion, ‘ouch’ doorways abound.

These passages become more grace-and-ease-filled as we expand into more of what we are.

Anyone who has shed one or many identities will tell you that most of what those identities, archetypes, and/or configurations believed to be true was largely illusory. Is this certainty on the part of my Source Essence illusory as well? It’s likely, at least in part. At least in the part that uses words and phrases to describe the ineffable. What if everything you know to be true is wrong? You can bet on that one, if betting is your thing.

What is this transition all about?
The answer is simple. Expansion {evolution} of consciousness, of universal/multiversal light. Is one form of expansion ultimately better than another? How do we really know? How is your balloon blowing up? Are you having fun yet? {hint hint}

What if ‘you’ have made an immense ‘difference’ and all you had to be was the real, essential you?

What does this concept fly in the face of, and how willing are all parts of you to let any resistance soar and be free?

Just a thought or two.

Our essence will get us each and all through ‘this’ and the more we try to mentally figure things out, the longer it could take.


The Trust Test


Come Full Circle