Deep Silence
Image by Clark Little
The reset pause is underway. All of our ways, to be precise. Chi Gong was effortless as dawn crept slowly closer. Predawn and sunrise hold their own breathless pause in the mountains. One can easily imagine the sun riding high in the East, as the Western peaks are graced with a cascade of pastels and gold gleams upon their peaks.
This is the deep breath that follows the Solstice exhalation and prefaces what is to come. The next 48 hours overflow with rest and reset. As of the 24th, daylight hours wax once more in this part of the world as the Sun shifts its trajectory once again. How does it feel when the pendulum stills? What is being broadcast through this gap between realities? If one is quiet, the still subtle emanations of what has just landed can be heard to sing.
Even lenticularly shielded ships float small, still and silent in dissipating cloud shrouds, fading in the growing light. The morning migration of geese toward the sun waits, as if for a conductor’s baton. New orchestration begins. Within the silence fresh symphonic resonance hums its tuning tones. Softly. softly, not to disturb.
Cosmic waves of wonder permeate the world, inviting us to pause, and let the wonder in. Let the Wonder, win. {rather than the Wookie}
In what would more typically be deep winter, new shoots appear in the garden, partly hidden beneath last year’s self-composting foliage. Will they not freeze at the next onset of much-needed water? In this season, water arrives frozen. Will that still be? Another layer of learning that can be let go. We won’t know until we know. It’s anyone’s guess how things will go. I guess Dr. Seuss still lives in my flow.
Movement lives just around this delicious corner. Oh, may this pause birth its contents into wonder.
Delicious Solstice Silence Blessings,