Walking a New Way

We are in the Solstice window. Can you feel it pulling the bits of you through that are fully signed up and ready to go? What is happening to the rest is a bit like being dragged through their worst fears backward. Those bits can surrender into their Source essence and let it carry them through the briar patch, over it, around, or in an entirely different direction altogether.

New realms beckon, through which we will navigate differently. How? That will depend on choices. Lionel Richie sang, “Oh, what a feeling, Dancing on the Ceiling.” That might be fun. Lower gravity might be great. Life has been weighty of late. We all fondly remember the ‘big bounce.’ Or might slipping between the worlds be like traveling on the Knight Bus from Harry Potter? Everything skinnies up to slip between the muggle conveyances. “Why all the long faces?” What’s a good squish if it means circumnavigating delusion?

What happens when we let our inner essence move us? How does life change when our essence is the one and only priority? Ha! We’re after finding out. Those circumstances we thought we had to put up with, and, conversely, those that put up with us, have differentiated into alternate realities. We may walk the same planet but in new ways. New paths. New adventures. “Oh, frabjous day!”~ Lewis Carroll, Jabberwocky

What has been left unresolved, like baggage at the curb, is up for resolution. Resolved: time to let Source do the navigating. Let abandoned luggage lie.

How? One lets go. Trust me, this is not a laissez-faire, couch potato stance. It is a moment-by-moment commitment to being. Exiting a cage or cave is always scary to the parts of us that are cautious about the unknown. Caution is often wise and nothing to beat oneself up about. If I might share a bit of wisdom, however, commit to taking that first step. Become it. Unfold those wet wings.

As we trust, so we are shown. You never know. You might end up dancing on the ceiling.

What happens when there is no ceiling? No floor? No external reference points whatsoever?

The Solstice window is an opportunity to look within. There is much clarity, if only we turn on the lights.

Season’s Greetings!

~ and Infinite Love!


Deep Silence


A Twelve-Day Window